GitbookIO / nuts

:chestnut: Releases/downloads server with auto-updater and GitHub as a backend
Apache License 2.0
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Problem while creating an auto updater for my app #164

Open AlexisL61 opened 5 years ago

AlexisL61 commented 5 years ago

I am an electron beginner and I want to implement autoUpdate to my app but I am stuck.

I have created a feedUrl using nuts and Heroku.

`const os = require('os'); const {app, autoUpdater, dialog} = require('electron'); const version = app.getVersion(); const platform
    = os.platform() + '_' + os.arch();  // usually returns darwin_64 const axios = require("axios")

    const updaterFeedURL = ''+'/update/' + 'windows' + '/' + version;

function appUpdater(MainWindow) {

    /* Log whats happening
    TODO send autoUpdater events to renderer so that we could console log it in developer tools
    You could alsoe use nslog or other logging to see what's happening */
    autoUpdater.on('error', err => MainWindow.webContents.executeJavaScript(`console.log("Error")
    autoUpdater.on('checking-for-update', () => MainWindow.webContents.executeJavaScript('console.log(`checking-for-update`)'));
    autoUpdater.on('update-available', () => MainWindow.webContents.executeJavaScript('console.log(`update-available`)'));
    autoUpdater.on('update-not-available', () => MainWindow.webContents.executeJavaScript('console.log(`update-not-available`)'));

    // Ask the user if update is available
    autoUpdater.on('update-downloaded', (event, releaseNotes, releaseName) => {

        MainWindow.webContents.executeJavaScript('console.log(`Update Downloaded`)')
        let message = app.getName() + ' ' + releaseName + ' is now available. It will be installed the next time you restart the application.';
        if (releaseNotes) {
            const splitNotes = releaseNotes.split(/[^\r]\n/);
            message += '\n\nRelease notes:\n';
            splitNotes.forEach(notes => {
                message += notes + '\n\n';
        // Ask user to update the app
            type: 'question',
            buttons: ['Install and Relaunch', 'Later'],
            defaultId: 0,
            message: 'A new version of ' + app.getName() + ' has been downloaded',
            detail: message
        }, response => {
            if (response === 0) {
                setTimeout(() => autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(), 1);
    // init for updates

exports = module.exports = {

Also, the feedUrl returns {"url":"","name":"1.0.3","notes":"Oh a new update ^^\nNew things \n","pub_date":"2019-02-22T14:02:26.000Z"} so i don't know why it deosn't update