GiulioRossetti / cdlib

Community Discovery Library
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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[Desiderata] Community Detection algorithms #178

Open GiulioRossetti opened 3 years ago

GiulioRossetti commented 3 years ago

This Issue is a container for CD methods that CDlib users would like to see integrated into library future releases.

When adding a new algorithm to the issue please specify:

Methods with existing python implementation (not leveraging on C/C++ dependencies) will be prioritized.

BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago

(side note) There is a list of existing algorithms that are in Python or Java in

Note : The only python implementation reported is for Demon (already in cdlib). Others are prevalently in C/C++

BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 3 years ago
BradKML commented 2 years ago
BradKML commented 2 years ago

Already implemented in CDlib

Already implemented in CDlib

BradKML commented 2 years ago
BradKML commented 2 years ago
BradKML commented 2 years ago
BradKML commented 2 years ago
Rose62130800101 commented 2 years ago

. References:

Rose62130800101 commented 2 years ago

As a result of the Community detection Algorithm we get a number of communities: For some comparison purposes we need the following 2 types of edges :

A number of internal and external edges of each community. like Cluster 1: internal edges = 5 and external edges are 3 (edges which both ends are present in the same community ) Clsuter 2 : internal edges = 7 and external = 4 (both ends are present in various communities knows as external edges)

GiulioRossetti commented 2 years ago


Here's the documentation for the remote ground truth loading facility:

You are encountering such error because the function you are using is not the proper one.

PS: next time open a new issue, do not add comments to an existing one having a different subject.