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Blockchain for Social Impact Event (29 Mar.) - Montreal #113

Closed mroberts10 closed 5 years ago

mroberts10 commented 5 years ago

The objective of the event is to introduce the not-for-profit community to blockchain and establish Giveth as a thought-leader in this space, for potentially further engagement. Second, this is a 'test' event to gauge interest from the not-for-profit community. The estimate is 100 people, a mix of social impact blockchain projects, students and not-for-profits, and potentially even bilateral development agencies. This could also lead to a much larger event in 1 year for a 1000-2000 person event in North America or Europe.

the live Google doc resides here (to be moved into the Giveth Drive) - link -

Feel free to comment on the event to make it even better. Note because of budget, we are constrained to bringing in people within the Montreal/Toronto area. If you know of good speakers in this area, please let me know.

What is a Blockchain and do I need one? ( Considering not-for-profit perspectives ) February 7, 3-7pm McGill Campus

Organized by: Blockchain McGill University, Giveth, Unicef Canada (draft agenda)


3pm Introduction to the event (Setting the stage for the event - why we organized this event)

Blockchain McGill, Giveth, Unicef Fun opening exercise

3:10pm An Introduction to Blockchain for non-profits people

Speaker: Shayan Eskandari (PhD candidate Concordia) Q and A: 10 minutes

3:40pm The NGO perspective - priorities and perspectives (1 hour)

Coffee Chat (45 minutes)
Q and A 15 minutes Moderator: Canadian Council for International Cooperation Speaker 1: Oxfam Quebec Speaker 2: CARE Canada Speaker 3 Unicef

4:40pm Debate - Fun lively debate on blockchain pros/cons

        Monderator: Ethan Wilding ?

For blockchain: Jeremy Clark (Concordia) Against blockchain: Renee Sieber (McGill)

5:15pm Case study 1 ( Giveth example here about the DAPP ? )

5:45pm Case Study 2 ( IXO ?) )

6:00pm Wrap up and End

6:10pm Networking

7:00pm End

Giveth Project to discuss / mention:

Giveth overview Giveth Dapp Social Coding others things?

Outstanding issues to address:

Confirm speakers Confirm time of event Confirm a room and type Confirm and conduct outreach Confirm any funding or sponsorships Create Timeline - when we will advertise event etc. Confirm Date Confirm whether its all ngo’s focus or mostly international development Confirm whether we charge a small fee for the event Confirm a facilitator for warm up exercise Confirm any voluteers to assist with the event and meetup Confirm whether we record and share this event on youtube

Target Audience

University student interested to learn about blockchain in the not-for-profit space Not for profit community in Montreal/Ottawa area Private sector social impact blockchain companies interested to learn about the needs of the non-profit community


Room Rental - 500$ ? Catering 100 people (20$) per person Snacks Drinks Juice, Pop, Water Transportation Costs - Key speaker??? - 500$ Other

Total $3000

Invite List - Target 100 people

Canadian NGOs’ OxFam Quebec OxFam Canada CARE Canada CCIC Canadian Coalition for International Cooperation Orbicom Global Canada International Organizations UNESCO Climate Change Secretariat (?) Government Quebec DFATD IDRC NRC Social Impact Companies Students McGill, Concordia, University of Montreal Blockchain Enthusiasts and Companies

mroberts10 commented 5 years ago

Contining to refine the event. Might be surplus of money from the event which could be donated to a Giveth DAC, campaign or cause.