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Create Giveth DAPP Product Roadmap - that borrows text from many docs. #117

Open mroberts10 opened 5 years ago

mroberts10 commented 5 years ago

Note will also include include input from Parker Williams, Pol Lanski Whitepaper. As always open to giveth community to assist in edited/commenting

Goal - to achieve broad consensus across the Giveth team Goal - to ensure this vision fits with other roadmaps being created namely: - TCR project,, Aragon DAC

Danibelle commented 5 years ago

Where can I find that Maker proposal please?

mroberts10 commented 5 years ago

Dani, I've gutted the doc now. Meetings to be facilitated by Michael to gather additional knowledge from a smaller 'working group'

mroberts10 commented 5 years ago

This would be the first of several related docs we need for the DAPP 2.0

General Roadmap Product Roadmpa Design specification Technical Specification Testing/Release plan