Giveth / Communication

Where we decentralize Giveth Communication
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Gitcoin Grant for Decentralized Data NOW! #156

Open GriffGreen opened 5 years ago

GriffGreen commented 5 years ago

Decentralize Data NOW! is an open call coordinating the creation of tools for extracting data out of complicated blockchain systems.

This call has been happening regularly, on average twice a month, since March 2018 and evolved from a call on purely the creation of Open Source Block Explorers to a mission to decentralize all the data. You can find the playlist of these calls here.

Issue: this call has been put on hold because it takes a lot of work to actually coordinate!

Gitcoin Grants is an opportunity to gather these costs! Kris from Giveth is happy to dedicate time on doing the necessary cat herding to make this happen.

More on the steps Kris will take to make this happen in this doc