Giveth / DeVouch-BE

DeVouch - Decentralized Vouching via Attestations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Periodically fetching project information from source APIs #52

Closed divine-comedian closed 3 weeks ago

divine-comedian commented 1 month ago

We'll need to determine how often we fetch the project information from API

I believe we should do this at least once a day - this will be a devOps issue in the configuration

@aminlatifi could you provide more details on this? Once we setup the back-end logic for retrieving project information there needs to be some sort of cronJob that call its periodically and updates our DB?

aminlatifi commented 1 month ago

We'll need to determine how often we fetch the project information from API

I believe we should do this at least once a day - this will be a devOps issue in the configuration

@aminlatifi could you provide more details on this? Once we setup the back-end logic for retrieving project information there needs to be some sort of cronJob that call its periodically and updates our DB?

We are implementing this routine, define a cronjob express in the configuration to run the project import task accordingly. Also, we are going to create a github action which allow us to trigger the process manually in case we want.