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Project Activity Feed (Updates) #43

Closed WhyldWanderer closed 1 year ago

WhyldWanderer commented 1 year ago

Have a specified place where we show a feed of the most recent project updates.

This place could be a section here labelled "Activity"


Or we could have aspecific spot on the projects page where we feature the lastest updates from projects.

This will provide value to the application and community in the following ways:

spectoregia commented 1 year ago

+1 to this from me. I have always had trouble with finding the most recently updated/added projects. maybe another suggestion if it makes sense: to also add a possibility of sorting option on the projects page: sort by: latest added, most popular, etc.

MoeNick commented 1 year ago

@Tosinolawale @mosaeedi it needs your attention.

CarlosQ96 commented 1 year ago

I think depending on the design. Somethings can change. So which filters are we adding to this new view?

I created this Pr that orders by createdAt by default, and you can filter by projectId, it's paginated.

I like @spectoregia mostLiked filter. I could add that, but ultimately design sets the filters. So before merging lets decide that @MoeNick. But the Pr with listing ordered by creationDate is ready.

MoeNick commented 1 year ago

the home page is updated with the ticker of the last project update and featured updates by Admins. If you find some awesome projects update you can send them us.