Giveth / giveth-dapps-v2

This project is the aggregation of GIVeconomy and DApps in a single repo
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Homepage Growth & Marketing Improvements #3085

Open divine-comedian opened 10 months ago

divine-comedian commented 10 months ago

Based on reviews from @surbhiaroraa and subsequent calls with myself we will need to make some changes to our homepage. These changes are aimed to improve the simplicity, reduce the bounce rate and increase platform donations for Giveth.

Right now people are coming to our homepage and leaving without having done anything - if we can get each visitor to perform at least one action that is a huge success. Ideally our primary driver is getting donations - once they donate we can hit em with the slippery slope of Giveth products.

This issue will focus mostly on a reorganization of information, changing very simple functionality and changing the narratives we employ in our copy writing. This is not a full redesign of the homepage but making some major and minor tweaks to improve our core metrics - getting donations and onboarding projects.

Based on my assesment I think these are some of the changes that we can begin working on:

Improving the placement and wording on the first fold of the homepage


Creating a separate Donor homepage and Project homepage

A way for users to see different information on the "homepage" view based on the type of user they are Example from Coursera: image

This is not a wholly different homepage but we could just create one or two unique components and reorder certain information so it appeals to the correct user.

Improving the CTAs on the navbar

Let's improve the CTAs to be more explicit and easier to find from anywhere on the platform image

Making our platform stats more visible & improving credibility

This includes making our metrics show up higher on the platform in a more prominent area Getting testimonials from crypto influences that we can feature Showing off well known podcasts/news outlets and blogs where Giveth has been featured. image

Make recent project updates more prominent


Make partnerships more prominent

combine partnerships with testimonials from their founders/contributors - "why is this partnership important?" image

remove this section



surbhiaroraa commented 10 months ago

@markoprljic and @danelsuga Can we get on a call today/tomorrow to discuss the next steps, timelines etc? I am happy to get on a call separately as well if thats more convenient for you.

danelsuga commented 10 months ago

Let's do it.

markoprljic commented 10 months ago

Tuesday afternoon CET works for me.

danelsuga commented 10 months ago

Tuesday is possible for me before Communitas (5-6PM) and Comms (6-7PM CET).

mosaeedi commented 10 months ago

I want to join too. I'm available on Tuesday.

divine-comedian commented 10 months ago

We'll be having our first ever dapp WG call @ 4pm CET on tuesday - Maybe if you guys want to meet at 3pm CET or a bit before then we can touch on it briefly during the call with more of the team.

danelsuga commented 10 months ago

I am not available 15h30-17h on Tuesdays. In any case, the meeting we were planning already took place! We can plan another, but summer has ended so my schedule is completely different now.

danelsuga commented 10 months ago

(To note: in fact I am not available any time after 15h30 CET on Thursdays due to communitas and comms.)

surbhiaroraa commented 10 months ago

@danelsuga @NikolaCreatrix We need to write 3 Meet the Makers stories to be featured on the home page. Can we have a quick call today/tomorrow sometime just to prepare an outline and plan for interviews with the projects?

surbhiaroraa commented 10 months ago

@WhyldWanderer @NikolaCreatrix Can you please help shortlist 6 projects which should be featured on our Home Page. The projects should be able to attract donor attention - as in should have created some really tangible impact/ raised great donation amount/ featured somewhere or garnered some PR/ idk.

happy to brainstorm with you both on this.

surbhiaroraa commented 10 months ago
Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 10 56 33 AM

@oyealmond We want to put a quote from the leadership of these partners. Just 1-2 lines. Who can help me get in touch with concerned people and get quotations?

danelsuga commented 10 months ago

Question for @ahmadabugosh and @WhyldWanderer :

Can either of you help direct me how to fill in the blanks please?

Our community has funded over $........ The Giveth community of projects spans ….. countries and …. donors.

ahmadabugosh commented 10 months ago

Hey @danelsuga I got the stats from this presentation before (which we compiled data for back in January 2023).

Adding stats also from our dapp for 2023 (which I took from here) and country data from Google Analytics, I would say the numbers are:

Does that make sense @WhyldWanderer ?

divine-comedian commented 10 months ago
Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 10 56 33 AM

@oyealmond We want to put a quote from the leadership of these partners. Just 1-2 lines. Who can help me get in touch with concerned people and get quotations?

Myself and probably Griff can help you get the right people - will DM you

danelsuga commented 10 months ago

Thanks @surbhiaroraa and @ahmadabugosh

Unavailable to meet this afternoon, Surbhi, and tomorrow is Saturday, so let's pick this back up on Monday. Have a nice weekend! I also have close contacts in several of the DAOs you mention we want to get blurbs from. I suggest we shoot for other DAOs outside the Giveth Galaxy as well.

surbhiaroraa commented 9 months ago

@WhyldWanderer @NikolaCreatrix Can you please help shortlist 6 projects which should be featured on our Home Page. The projects should be able to attract donor attention - as in should have created some really tangible impact/ raised great donation amount/ featured somewhere or garnered some PR/ idk.

happy to brainstorm with you both on this.

@WhyldWanderer @NikolaCreatrix Let me know if I can have a quick 15-30 minute call with you both sometime today/tomorrow.

danelsuga commented 9 months ago

Let me know if I can be a fly on the wall in your Giveth Makers call! If I am free and won't hinder you.

WhyldWanderer commented 9 months ago


As far as I know.. about a month ago, we decided that we would feature the newly verified projects on the homepage. @NikolaCreatrix will them with each new wave of approved projects.

This allows some of the newer projects get featured and gets eyes on them. Its one way that Giveth can help tell the story of some of the projects that may not have a huge audience yet.

I think that the draw for donors is that these projects are now part of the GIVbacks program and donors can get rewarded for donating to them...

I think that if we chose 6 projects to be featured based on the above parameters, it would just be the same projects that are already featured on the projects page showing up at the top of the list. It would be nice to shine the light on some of the projects that could really use the support and spotlight.

danelsuga commented 9 months ago

@NikolaCreatrix @WhyldWanderer wondering if you amazing gals could quote us an average for how many new projects sign up per week (or month)?

Also, we would like to find out the $USD value of all GIVbacks distributed thus far if possible.

Thank you!

danelsuga commented 9 months ago

@WhyldWanderer @surbhiaroraa I think that is the idea too, what Ash suggests re featuring Giveth Makers on the site. The rotating, website-featured projects should in the end be Giveth Makers projects (and not the highest ranking on the dApp per se). Partly because it is already a list you at Communitas are curating each month and because it is not based on repeated "popularity" stats (Giveth MP and friends). Also, it would be a lot of new footwork to have to come up with a new list for the website apart from the work already being done for Giveth Makers.

WhyldWanderer commented 9 months ago

Hey @danelsuga - what do you mean by "sign up"?

Also here is some GIVbacks Data for you -

danelsuga commented 9 months ago

Thanks @WhyldWanderer !

Ah, I just mean new projects on Giveth.

WhyldWanderer commented 9 months ago

Hmmm... It varies so much.. i would say 1-10 per week

divine-comedian commented 9 months ago

Just gonna say we want VERIFIED PROJECTS as an important detail - to show on our homepage metrics

danelsuga commented 9 months ago

@surbhiaroraa Kevin Owocki has said yes for a testimonial and wants to know what to say!

surbhiaroraa commented 9 months ago

How deos this draft look like? Giveth is bringing serious transparency and community power to the game. These are not just buzzwords; they're actually doing it. Giveth uses blockchain to make giving more accountable and fair. They're like the pioneers of the new philanthropy landscape - forging a future where giving is transparent, accountable, and inclusive.

I've been on this journey with them, and it's been nothing short of inspiring.

danelsuga commented 9 months ago

Mitch gave me these ones too:

Gitcoin: "Gitcoin is excited to partner with Giveth to help them build a more equitable and sustainable future for everyone. Giveth is using blockchain technology to make giving more transparent and accountable, and we believe that their work has the potential to make a real difference in the world."

"Giveth's innovative approach to charitable giving is a breath of fresh air in the blockchain space. Their commitment to transparency and community-driven solutions aligns perfectly with Gitcoin's values. We're excited to see how they continue to make a positive impact."

"Gitcoin has been Giveth's partner for over ....... years, and we have been consistently impressed with their work. Giveth is a truly innovative organization that is using blockchain technology to make a real difference in the world. We believe that their work has the potential to change the way that we think about giving and philanthropy.

"Giveth's unwavering dedication to transparent, community-driven solutions mirrors Gitcoin's mission. Their innovative approach to blockchain-based philanthropy sets a beacon of inspiration for us. We're excited about the shared journey to reshape giving and bring lasting change to the world together."

I'm also going to brainstorm, because I want to see if I can hone in on both Kevin's communication style (technical, logical) and his focus (coordination).

danelsuga commented 9 months ago

I was thinking something like this for Owocki:

Giveth is among the [few] pioneering organizations in today's blockchain space creating revolutionary systems to truly affect positive impact on communities and on the world at large through human coordination. Giveth and Gitcoin work together in complementary ways not only to elevate and reimagine fundraising but also to produce and promote coordination mechanisms and tools for improving and incentivizing public goods and more.

divine-comedian commented 9 months ago

Two testimonials - they really liked the draft text and opted to use it

From Pol Lanksi (DappNode)

image "Giveth is a positive storm in the industry. We are proud to be partners with another mission-driven platform that drives positive change and transparency, pushes the industry to be the best it can and strives to make the world a better place"

From Willy Ogorzaly (ShapeShift)

image "Shapeshift is thrilled to partner with Giveth in redefining the landscape of charitable giving. Giveth's innovative approach, powered by blockchain technology, aligns seamlessly with our mission to advance the decentralized future. Together, we've witnessed how Giveth's solutions are creating meaningful impact and transforming the way we give. We're excited to continue our collaborative journey, forging a path toward a more transparent, accountable, and equitable charitable ecosystem."

danelsuga commented 9 months ago

From Owocki:

Giveth's innovative approach to charitable giving is a breath of fresh air in the web3 space. Their commitment to transparency and community-driven solutions aligns with Gitcoin's values. We're excited to see how they continue to make a positive impact. ~ Kevin Owocki, Gitcoin