Sometimes, things happen on chain that causes GIVeconomy things to stop working.. and then we have to fix it. We should try to get up notifications so we can top things up before they run out.. Like:
GIVpower unlock bot running out of gas (zkevm, gnosis, op)
Notify reward bot running our of gas (zkevm, gnosis, op)
GIVpower unipool distributor almost at it's max balance that it can allocate (zkevm, gnosis, op) aka running out of rewards
GIVbacks distributor almost at it's max balance that it can allocate (zkevm, gnosis, op)
There might be more we should notify ourselves on, but I think I need help from others on here @aminlatifi @divine-comedian
This issue is to investigate if we can set something up with tenderly to notify ourselves on what's happening.
Sometimes, things happen on chain that causes GIVeconomy things to stop working.. and then we have to fix it. We should try to get up notifications so we can top things up before they run out.. Like:
There might be more we should notify ourselves on, but I think I need help from others on here @aminlatifi @divine-comedian
This issue is to investigate if we can set something up with tenderly to notify ourselves on what's happening.