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Opt-In Donations Tweet Thread #1014

Closed c0ric0ri closed 1 year ago

c0ric0ri commented 1 year ago

This is looking to go live next week (something like Nov 16), so we need to prepare an announcement.

Why is Giveth implementing this?

You can also get input from Mitch or Lauren if needed after reviewing above

c0ric0ri commented 1 year ago

@tropicalmangos would you be up for taking this one?

tropicalmangos commented 1 year ago

hey @c0ric0ri sure ! Since it's my first time writing a tweet thread for Giveth, do you have any guidelines/ tips on how it needs to be done or format to follow ? Just trying to get a bit more background/ context on this task before diving in...

anything you can send my way to make sure it's on track with what you need would be great. ty

c0ric0ri commented 1 year ago

hey @tropicalmangos , I would definitely recommended scoping out Giveth's twitter because it will ultimately show you all kinds of examples. Both the style of writing and also how we format tweet threads.

Thanks for taking a stab at this and if you're not comfortable writing tweet threads, it will still be very helpful to have this outlined for someone to turn it into a finalized thread.

tropicalmangos commented 1 year ago

@c0ric0ri can you please take a look at my first tweet thread for Giveth here? I would love your feedback! thank you and have a good weekend

laurenluz commented 1 year ago

@c0ric0ri @tropicalmangos so we often use names like "Default donations" or "multi level accounts" internally to describe features we are developing, but these are not good names from a comms perspective.

When you're creating content about features... look at what the feature actuallly does, and describe it... and if the name is something very ughh like "default donations" - just totally omit it. Also... in this case "default donations" is also a bad way of describing this because it's more like "opt-in donations to giveth". or like "donate extra to giveth"

Otherwise, I like the way you laid this out @tropicalmangos - I'm not sure it's really best idea to put on our twitter "griff is a benevolent patron who keeps the lights on"... but it's otherwise a fresh take and different that how I would have done this by default (lol default)

I'm going to discuss w/ griff and/or mitch or other stakeholders and let you know the best way forward.

laurenluz commented 1 year ago

ok I asked griff, and my instinct was right - he doesn't ever want to be named publicly as "the benevolent person keeping the lights on"... for this kind of thing it's really important to check in... anyway, no harm done in the draft - just keep it in mind.

Also @c0ric0ri can you please tag me on issues of twitter drafts in case there is more context I want to add for the drafter? I only saw this because I was searching the board for something else.

laurenluz commented 1 year ago

@tropicalmangos - so jumping off from you ideas, I think a better framing is:

I wouldn't use those exact words at all, but that kind of storyline.

Without deleting any of what you wrote about (so we don't lose it) - can you recycle some pieces & give it another shot?

laurenluz commented 1 year ago

Also @tropicalmangos - please move the issue to "in progress" and then "review/QA" pipeline, as appropriate.

tropicalmangos commented 1 year ago

@laurenluz thanks for the feedback, I'll work on making those changes and send back here when it's done :)

A little bit of context around "the benevolent person keeping the lights on"....I saw that language used in the Giveth public forum by team member, so I had understood this was already "out there" since it's public knowledge and posted for all to see. I'm happy to remove it, I just wanted to let you know where that came from and that I didn't pull it out of thin air.

Thanks for clarifying about internal language, because it was named on the issue I thought that was the positioning we wanted to go with, so good to know for the future. Also just wanted to explain where that came from.

The rest of the feedback, I'll work it into the content and name it V2 so we keep the original ~!

tropicalmangos commented 1 year ago

@laurenluz @c0ric0ri here is the revised version titled V2- please let me know if these revisions work for you or if you have any other feedback? Ty

laurenluz commented 1 year ago

@tropicalmangos - great job - let's leave this one in here for the time being until the default donations is ready to launch. Once it is, I'll have another look at this and either just edit before scheduling directly... or if there is any good feedback I can give you for next time, I will share it in this issue of the doc.

c0ric0ri commented 1 year ago

This went live yesterday, so we should prepare to post this soon @laurenluz

I can give this another review

laurenluz commented 1 year ago

Hey @tropicalmangos - I used bits from your thread and wrote this (and posted it today).

Please take a look at my comments in the doc & the live thread and take some of that as feedback:

Some key points for the future:

And for this concept specifically:

c0ric0ri commented 1 year ago

Hey @tropicalmangos before closing an issue please include the link to the published content. In this case the tweet thread.

tropicalmangos commented 1 year ago

@c0ric0ri the link was already above as you can see per lauren's comment