Gizra / euei-euwi-migrate

Migrate from and to C4D
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EUEI group (i.e. mother-group to AFRETEP and CEREECA) is empty #170

Closed Katya-cap4dev closed 9 years ago

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

This group should host all items (News, Events, Documents) from the website that don't already belong to one of the sub-groups. Examples: Document: Event: News:

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

@YuriGizra can you please check, AFAIK there's code that should already take care of this.

YuriGizra commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev What we have to do with documents (event, news) from other groups? For example there is "tanzania energy" group in the EUEI. This docs (event, news) we need to migrate to EUEI group (mother group) or skip?

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

Only documents, from the spec:

Documents that are not in one of the EUEI groups are transferred to the library.

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@YuriGizra as Amitai said above, please migrate all documents that don't belong to AFRETEP or CEREEECA groups to the EUEI mother group library.

@amitaibu events and news from the mother group should still be migrated to EUEI on capacity4dev though... For example

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev @YuriGizra Indeed, events + news that already belong to that group, should remain in that group.

solker commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev It's also part of #178, will be fix in next update.

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@solker thanks. @amitaibu Just for info, when do you expect to do the next upload? I'm going to wait until after it's done to inform the EC Units that they can now go have a look at Pantheon (they wanted to be kept updated).

solker commented 9 years ago

New dump will be upload to the Pantheon in the 15, 16 Feb.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Katya wrote:

@solker thanks. @amitaibu Just for info, when do you expect to do the next upload? I'm going to wait until after it's done to inform the EC Units that they can now go have a look at Pantheon (they wanted to be kept updated).

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Ilya Manyahin Gizra Ltd., Israel.

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago


Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@solker I take it the latest dump has not yet been uploaded ( is still empty)?

solker commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev we finished with tasks but need upload the new dump and files to the pantheon. It's long process and we safe it for night. Tomorrow morning you will receive update. Thanks.

solker commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev now documents that not in ARFETEP and CEREECA groups moved to mother group EUEI. Can we close this issue?

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@solker No, because EUEI group still has no members (1 if you count the admin). Please fix.

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev which members are you expecting to have there?

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@amitaibu Based on the export of members I have from EUEI from before it was frozen, there are about 30 people who are registered on EUEI but are not members of any of its communities.. Those people should be migrated to the EUEI group. Do you want me to email you the list? @adevanssay @ckorakas

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

Those people should be migrated to the EUEI group

Is this something we missed in the spec, or is it a new list?

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@amitaibu I'm checking this with Arnaud to confirm.

@solker in addition: ^^ "Indeed, events + news that already belong to that group, should remain in that group" -> This doesn't seem to be in place yet, i.e. EUEI events and news are not there.


adevanssay commented 9 years ago

@amitai In my understanding, the specs clearly states that all users should be exported, there is no reason why members of EUEI main group should not be migrated

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

@solker can you please check this

solker commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev I don't understood main aim can you explain problem from this issue most carefully please?

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev screenshot(s) or a short list of the users that are missing would be great

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@amitaibu I have just sent you and Ilya an email with the list in attachment.

@solker please refer to that email for the members. In addition, there is the issue of News + Events in (nodes such as and that need to be migrated to EUEI group on capacity4dev.

solker commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev Okey, we will export all users from EUEI and EUWI. If users not in specific groups then we put their users to mother groups. For users from EUEI this group is, for users from EUWI this group is

Also we will export all events and news from mother group of EUEI to


amitaibu commented 9 years ago

@amitai In my understanding, the specs clearly states that all users should be exported

@adevanssay @Katya-cap4dev Indeed, that will be done.

Now to confirm - those users who are not members of any group that is exported, are expected to be added as members to the mother groups, correct?

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@amitaibu I would say do whichever one is easier - normally the EC only cares for the 30 people who are not members of any groups, but if it's easier to migrate all except those who are members of AFRETEP and CEREEECA, that's also fine.

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

I would say do whichever one is easier

Ok, so to recap:

  1. We will export all active users
  2. Users who are not members of any of the exported groups, will be migrated, but will not be a member of any group (they can of course be added later to any group they wish)
Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

Users who are not members of any of the exported groups, will be migrated, but will not be a member of any group

--> No, they should become members of EUEI on capacity4dev

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

And what about the EUWI that don't belong to any exported group - they should become members of the EUWI mother group, correct?

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

Do you have an estimate of how many there are? The EUWI mother group (the EUWI Community Space) already has its own members on (and by consequence on capacity4dev), so the EC doesn't care too much if the number is not significant.

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

Do you have an estimate of how many there are?

It will require some work to check.

Also correct my if I'm wrong, but exporting all users is part of the scope, but making them members of the mother group is not? But even if out of scope, we can work on that -- we just need a clear explanation of the what's the expected result for both euei and euwi.

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@amitaibu you are absolutely right that it was not explicitly defined in the ToR. Nevertheless, the EC does not want to lose those users, so they are trying to work around the ToR.

What is expected in the end members-wise is the following:

  1. For EUWI: All groups created on capacity4dev already existed as such (communities) on, so it suffices to migrate their members as they were on
  2. For EUEI: AFRETEP and CEREEECA groups already existed as such on, so it suffices to migrate their members as they were on The EUEI group however did not exist as such on, so in order not to leave it memberless on capacity4dev the EC would like to have it populated with users as defined above.

Hope this helps clarify. If not, please let me know.

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev thanks for the explanation.

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@amitaibu just a question: will there be another upload to Pantheon (including a fix for this issue) before the final migration?

solker commented 9 years ago

tonight will be uploaded a new dump to the pantheon.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Katya wrote:

@amitaibu just a question: will there be another upload to Pantheon (including a fix for this issue) before the final migration?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Ilya Manyahin Gizra Ltd., Israel.

solker commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev new dump on the pantheon.

Katya-cap4dev commented 9 years ago

@solker thank you. However, it seems that the EUEI events and news are not yet there?

Also we will export all events and news from mother group of EUEI to

amitaibu commented 9 years ago

@YuriGizra if the tests missed this, please add test for this part as-well.

YuriGizra commented 9 years ago

@Katya-cap4dev @amitaibu Via spec we are exporting only documents (not event and not news) that no belongs to any group to EUEI mother group. Because spec contains: Documents that are not in one of the EUEI groups are transferred to the library. and The following groups will be migrated to Capacity4dev: 1 – AFRETEP 2 – CEREEECA project

following the above, we are exporting all nodes (news, events, docs) belongs to these groups and documents not belongs to any group.

And we didn't export event and news not belongs to any groups. And I can't write tests for it because it not exists.