[ ] Electricity summaries - meters/categories/min-max time
[ ] When querying for one site, the summary should show site's meters.
[ ] When querying for several sites, the summary should show the sites.
[ ] Electricity, when there's only one category in the summary (e.g., for account 2, astral), show sites in the summary. If there's only one site, show the meters.
[ ] When querying for several sites, the summary should show the list of sites. Make sure that the electricity summary is correct for category with sub-categories.
[ ] Meters (both iec and modbus)
[ ] Site reading, including site categories
[ ] Occupancy meter
[ ] Occupancy raw reading and creation, including supplying datetime in stead of timestamp
[ ] Occupancy normalized reading
[ ] Climate meter
[ ] Climate raw reading and creation, including creation through GET in stead of POST
Also add tests for: