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Implement OAuth providers login #31

Open amitaibu opened 10 years ago

amitaibu commented 10 years ago

This should be done with and this Phonegap plugin.

amitaibu commented 10 years ago

This will allow us to show the login twitter/ facebook page.

amitaibu commented 10 years ago

@ceoaliongroo notice that we don't need to register the users on the Server side, we just send it the user info.

amitaibu commented 10 years ago

Update: added integration with Facebook. Twitter's API is less straight forward.

amitaibu commented 10 years ago

@mushon we were able to make facebook work in the app!

Note that you need to add some see for the image from -- http://localhost:9000/#/play-marker/4e2298021f6effe84f7d7739
