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Resolve this errors returned for the android aplication #60

Open ceoaliongroo opened 10 years ago

ceoaliongroo commented 10 years ago
10-21 10:38:07.471: E/geolocationService(3154): Caught security exception registering for location updates from system. This should only happen in DumpRenderTree.
10-21 10:38:47.551: E/AudioPlayer(3154): FAILED renaming /storage/emulated/0/tmprecording.3gp to /storage/emulated/0/pe1382344701718.amr
10-21 10:39:23.751: E/AudioPlayer(3154): FAILED renaming /storage/emulated/0/tmprecording.3gp to /storage/emulated/0/pe1382344746863.amr
10-21 10:39:45.411: E/AudioPlayer(3154): FAILED renaming /storage/emulated/0/tmprecording.3gp to /storage/emulated/0/pe1382344768767.amr

It's possible for android need to create an AndroidManifest.xml for permissions

ceoaliongroo commented 10 years ago

Error recived of call navigator.geolocation.GetCurrentPosition "{\"code\":3,\"message\":\"Position retrieval timed out.\"}"

Maybe it's possible run with phonegap 2.9, it's necessary to test

Console from eclipse. Still block the Geolocation.getLocation

10-28 15:49:04.886: W/PluginManager(23266): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to Geolocation.getLocation blocked the main thread for 19ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 
mushon commented 10 years ago


nathvarun commented 10 years ago

@ceoaliongroo Any update on

javascript 10-28 15:49:04.886: W/PluginManager(23266): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to Geolocation.getLocation blocked the main thread for 19ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 
lehno commented 8 years ago

Same problem until now

niryariv commented 8 years ago

@lehno @nathvarun - we're not currently updating the project but would be interested to hear about what you're doing with it and see if we can help. Please feel free to contact me directly at