Gkiokan / ps4-remote-pkg-sender

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RPI OOP Port #13

Closed EkkiBrue closed 2 years ago

EkkiBrue commented 2 years ago

Any chance making your tool work with RPI OOP ? Do you have plans making this happen ?

Thanks for your efforts!

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

Yup. It is called RPI OOSDK, and yea not only that. I am also preparing to support for IPI, so don't need a FTP client for that.

The update for that is on my milestones but that could take a while due missing time. image

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

I've talked to backporter (aka kernel panic) and as we are at the same spot this will go hand in hand. Don't worry for now. In version 1.0 the enpoints are also the same. Means it should work without trouble.

But unfortunatelly there is no benefit yet using it. Upcomming updates will be benefitical.

Feature Ideas are already set in the issue on the RPI OOP