Gkiokan / ps4-remote-pkg-sender

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Linux build broken #31

Closed valters-tomsons closed 2 years ago

valters-tomsons commented 2 years ago

Version: PS4.Remote.PKG.Sender.V2-2.7.1.AppImage OS: Arch Linux

Just updated from 2.5.2, but the newest version seems to have issues with linux.

  1. I seem to get mac-os window decorations
  2. None of the navigation (or decoration) buttons work, only the buttons inside the page work ("Reset Options", "Check Options" etc.)


Buttons in the tray work, so do the windows for logs and information.

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

Can you open the Info window and show me what the values of platform for you is? I removed the OS Frame and build a custom Titlebar to get Darkmode on it working, so there is either a mac-os style or a windows like Title Bar.

The navigation should work os across the same as the base is rendered for chromium. Interesting. Maybe this is a special thing on linux, because I have set the Navigationselement as draggable, too.

pepitopajas commented 2 years ago

chmod: cannot access '/opt/PS4 Remote PKG Sender V2/chrome-sandbox': No such file or directory In my linux, I don't have google chrome installed, is it necessary?

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

@pepitopajas I don't think you would need Chrome for that as it is a standalone and packs chromium with itself. However I think this sounds more like an security issue. Check your firewall or priviledges on the app.
Could you tell me which OS are you using and which installation package you tried?

@valters-tomsons Could you try this version here. I disabled the dragging element. Which I guess makes the trouble on linux. - edit - see next answer.

Regarding the decorations there will be an update soon to choose specially in between of mac, win or app style.

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

@valters-tomsons I've re-reuploaded the whole build with the draggable fix.
Tested on windows, it works. I am not able to test Linux yet but it seems only to be a issue on non-mac distrubutions in combination to that draggable area. However it should be fully fixed for now.

Re-build and re-uploaded Release v2.7.1

valters-tomsons commented 2 years ago

Works good and looks beautiful, great work!