Gkiokan / ps4-remote-pkg-sender

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Web interface option #45

Closed valters-tomsons closed 1 year ago

valters-tomsons commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to expose current UI over a web interface? (started headless, as a system service)

I'd like to host this on my NAS since my package backups are stored there, would make installing packages a lot easier.

Gkiokan commented 1 year ago

I have already planed a Chrome Extension and an mobile app for it. So it's not getting in the way and could be used out of your space. So yea, this is something coming for sure.

The other features itself are on a higher priority that has to be done.
If you'd like to try out, you could try the HB-Store CDN and CLI version that I've created. They are working with the HB-Store itself and you can install directly on your ps4.

One of them both are on already on the support list of RetroArch HB-Store CDN Server. HB-Store CDN CLI Server.

valters-tomsons commented 1 year ago

Thanks, didn't know about cli server