Gkiokan / ps4-remote-pkg-sender

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Timeout on Request error macOS 12.1 #6

Closed Dark000Soldier closed 2 years ago

Dark000Soldier commented 2 years ago

On my macOS 12.1 Server is running but i always got Timeout on Request error ! LOG:

1 file found 1 file serving Server is running on port 192.xx.xx.xx:9999

Dark000Soldier commented 2 years ago

Firewall is off on my mac already and I checked on Accessibility but I did not find any request to permission on any catalog.

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

Try restarting the RPI on PS4. Fixed the issue on my side. Timeout could be also a general error not finding the ps4 or the RPI is not accessible (e.g. RPI/PS4 change to standby)

Next update will have a custom config value to configure the timeout individual.

Dark000Soldier commented 2 years ago

I think the problem on my side is something else. I have another Payload Sender and has two versions on iOS and Mac, the version runs on iOS no problem, but the one on mac doesn’t! Even using VT win11 doesn’t help, because when run an app on VT win11 on mac, I got same problem. I think my mac for whatever reason doesn’t allow these apps to search and access other devices on the network. So the app can’t find PS4. I could download the file.pkg from the server your app creat with no problem. Which means the server work correctly, the only problem that my mac block the access to ps4. I wonder if there an terminal commend to give your app permission to access network.

Dark000Soldier commented 2 years ago

Try restarting the RPI on PS4. Fixed the issue on my side. Timeout could be also a general error not finding the ps4 or the RPI is not accessible (e.g. RPI/PS4 change to standby)

Next update will have a custom config value to configure the timeout individual.

What is RPI ?

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

RPI = Remote Package Installer (the Homebrew app from flatZ)

Can you check your Security and Privacy settings if there is something blocking the network connection? You could try to ping your PS4 IP Adress from terminal to see if you get any response at all.

 ❯ ping                                                                                             [15:53:23]
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=189.763 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=47.763 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=7.793 ms
Dark000Soldier commented 2 years ago

Okay yes I got exactly as you send even time is under 1ms.

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

So your mac can access the PS4 but the apps doesn't.

Mac has some options in the system preferences to block connections but thoose seems to be incomming and not outgoing connections. You can check them on your Firewall Extended Options.


Dark000Soldier commented 2 years ago

My firewall is off, shouldn’t that mean that all connection are allowed? Or better to enable it and then app by app allowing them?

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

Yea you are right. But if it's not the the Firewall, what else could be block the connection then.

There are netstat commands but as I know you can only check running services and ports on your local machine with it.

Mac has also that "unknown developer" dialog message when you open downloaded apps on first run. Something like "Do you want to allow that app to have access to this and that." Maybe it's blocked by it?

Dark000Soldier commented 2 years ago

Now I got error 2157510677!

Edit: I fixed it by deleting the package, this error because I already had this package installed on PS4.

Edit2: Now the app working correctly, thanks for help through :)

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

2157510677 means already installed.

There are 3 error codes known for now and they are not documented. I've patched them in the last version.

Just refining some stuff and will release that too.

        message = code + " | task doesn't exist (?)"

        message = code + " | already installed (?)"

        message = code + " | It seems to be installed already."
Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

I am curious what did block the connection for you? Never had heard something about that before that mac OS blocks apps.

Dark000Soldier commented 2 years ago

Neither I, I had this problem with VT win11 too, running some Power-shell commends give me network errors too before. It is M1 chip, maybe something with Apple Silicone security thing. I don’t know

Gkiokan commented 2 years ago

Nice. Well, I'm glad it worked out for you. Feel free to open a new Issue when something happens.