Gkiokan / ps4-remote-pkg-sender

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Unable to set up prerequisites for package ' #60

Closed Kayz0718 closed 10 months ago

Kayz0718 commented 10 months ago

Cant get it to download games. Already tried changing the server port but still nothing

Gkiokan commented 10 months ago

This issue was discovered in the early versions of the app. There is an Troubleshooting Guide Entry for this, look here which we suggest to swap the ports and restart the server.
Meanwhile try to restart the RPI on the ps4, too.

If this doesn't help you try to restart the whole app or try another PKG, just to be sure the PKG is not broken or something.

Btw, which FW, GoldHen and RPI are you using?

Gkiokan commented 10 months ago

I think the restart has fixed the issue. This has been discussed somewhere on thr repo and we could figure it out with massa.

Usually blocked port or broken pkg or missing header information. Usually restart should work and get all back to working.

Have fun.