Gkiokan / ps4-remote-pkg-sender

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Error 2157510677 | It seems to be installed already #63

Closed MarloGrayhat closed 5 months ago

MarloGrayhat commented 5 months ago

I tried to install as usual the game, but something went wrong and the download stopped, somewhere around 70%. I exited Remote PKG Installer to check the network status, because the download was at 70% for more than 10 minutes, although the internet speed is very fast at home and both devices are not far from the routers, when I went back to Remote PKG Installer and waited some more time nothing changed. I canceled the download via Remote pkg sender and rebooted the ps4. Since then when I try to install the app again I get "Error 2157510677 | It seems to be installed already". Now I have looked at all the files in ps4 that I can through "PS4 Xplorer" and deleted everything related to this game, including opening json, however, I can not install the game, I get the same error 2157510677.

Please, help me)

MarloGrayhat commented 5 months ago

see solution in this issue - https://github.com/Gkiokan/ps4-remote-pkg-sender/issues/62