Gkiokan / ps4-remote-pkg-sender

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No support for split PKGs #81

Open ccfman2004 opened 3 weeks ago

ccfman2004 commented 3 weeks ago

Does this support split pkgs or do I have to merge them first.?

Modded Warfare in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4s2DsP9Ulk4 specifically says you can use the Remote PKG installer to install a split PKG. Did he misspeak or am I just doing it wrong?

I can install single PKGs just fine. But if I try to install a split PKG I just get Timeout errors.

Gkiokan commented 3 weeks ago

Noone tried Split PKGs before. Give it a try and see if it gets started installing.
But I doubt it will work as the internal install method requires you to have a full merged working PKG.

On the right Top you can Open the PS API Window, check the content of it. It will show you the exact response from the PS4 in this case. It might fall under due differet reasons, maybe it doesn't accept Split PKG at all and does nothing and therefore it just don't respond to the request at all and times out.