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Setup PC needs >2GB RAM #25

Open bitcoinhodler opened 5 years ago

bitcoinhodler commented 5 years ago

I tried to run the setup process using an old laptop with only 2GB RAM. The requirements for the setup PCs are stated in the doc:

Two computers with Internet connectivity, administrator access, and about 2GB of free disk space. Each computer must be running Windows 10, macOS, or Linux.

The setup PC is used to boot into Ubuntu Live, download the Ubuntu ISO, and write it to the Q1 BOOT USB. In a Live system, the only writable filesystem is a RAM disk. The Ubuntu ISO is about 1.4GB. On my 2GB laptop the download got to about 1.3GB before aborting with "No space left on device."

We should update the doc to require at least 4GB RAM on the setup PCs. (3GB might be enough, but who has a 3GB laptop to test it out? 4GB is certainly sufficient.)

bitcoinhodler commented 5 years ago

I have verified that with Ubuntu 16.04.1 on a 4GB laptop, the download is successful. (Barely.)

I'm attempting to update Glacier to use Ubuntu 18.04.1, whose ISO is a little larger. Even on a 4GB laptop, the ISO download fails.

Is it reasonable to require the setup PCs to have >4GB RAM? I don't think so.