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Is a virus scan really unnecessary on linux? #40

Open fresheneesz opened 4 years ago

fresheneesz commented 4 years ago

On the "Prepare non-quarantined hardware" page, step 4 is to run virus scans. However, it says that doing this on linux is unnecessary. Linux isn't immune to viruses tho, and I think if this step is indeed unnecessary on linux, some convincing reasoning should be given on that page.

More info about virues on linux:

bitcoinhodler commented 4 years ago

There was a footnote about this in the old doc (v0.91):

Unfortunately this footnote was lost in the sloppy doc format conversion done last year.

We can argue about whether the advice in that askubuntu answer is still relevant.

fresheneesz commented 4 years ago

I don't have any deep knowledge about linux security, but it just seems a bit odd to recommend virus scans on windows and mac, but then claim that no type of virus scan's wouldn't help on linux. I just wanted to raise the issue, but I don't have an answer ; )

someonefamous commented 4 years ago

On Linux, it might be pertinent to suggest running an update, to ensure all the latest security patches have been applied.