GlacioHack / xdem

Analysis of digital elevation models (DEMs)
MIT License
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Link to Zenodo repository #277

Open adehecq opened 1 year ago

adehecq commented 1 year ago

It is important to link the GitHub repository to a Zenodo repository (which has a DOI and can never be deleted). Currently, we have a repository setup by @erikmannerfelt. This is however already outdated (version 0.0.2). An easier way is to use directly the Zenodo integration in GitHub. Here are some useful links for that:

What needs to be done:

I think the only issue with that way is that we can only start the repository with the next release. It might be possible to upload a zip of previous versions as other version afterwards, but I can't know for sure until we create the repository.

rhugonnet commented 11 months ago

@erikmannerfelt I think you're admin there! Can you invite us on the current Zenodo (if possible, I have no idea how it works), or link it to GlacioHack/xdem? Right now the latest version on Zenodo is a bit outdated, v0.0.2! :sweat_smile:

erikmannerfelt commented 10 months ago

Sorry for the slow reply! Zenodo will support multiple admins after its migration to a new server according to this issue: The migration is scheduled for mid-September. So we could perhaps revisit this when it's done?

rhugonnet commented 10 months ago

Convenient timing, yes it's perfect! I also noticed that GitHub natively supports a "Cite this repository" link on the right side (for example with shapely:, don't know how recent that is!), we could add the same!

adehecq commented 10 months ago

Always funny to look back at issues opened a year ago! But it looks like @erikmannerfelt would already be able to make the changes no? No need for other admin at the moment. So do we need to wait until mid-September? It's so far ahead!! (Say the guy who reacts after 3 weeks 😉)

rhugonnet commented 7 months ago

@erikmannerfelt Is it now possible to create our maintainer group on the Zenodo? Would be awesome if you find a moment to do it before your long trip :blush: (I'm getting several requests from people that want to cite xDEM and are surprised the DOI is still for version 0.0.2!)

rhugonnet commented 3 months ago

@erikmannerfelt Any update on this? I'm still getting a lot of requests to get an up-to-date Zenodo to cite for the package, we need to do this quickly