Glassmaker / ExtraTiC-Localization

Localizations for ExtraTiC
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Switch to Tcon hex color #21

Closed Adaptivity closed 9 years ago

Adaptivity commented 9 years ago

Since there are no bugtracker @Glassmaker, I'll put it here. Since Tcon Weaponry update it is now possible to use dynamic texture system. So, you don't need 10 millions textures for one item with different colors. You can just use one texture per item which will be painted automatically. See here: As I know, Thermal Foundation already uses this system. I think if you switch ExtraTiC to this system, it'll make life of texture makers easier. It'll also reduce size of ExtraTiC jar. For the special textures (different from the others) like desh from Galacticraft, you can use old system.

Adaptivity commented 9 years ago

Already implemented.