Glavin001 / GitLab-Pages

:eyes: GitHub Pages, for GitLab.
MIT License
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Install for Dummies #23

Open automatikdonn opened 9 years ago

automatikdonn commented 9 years ago

Following your guide I was able to get GitLab-Pages up, however everything except the index throws a 404. What works Login Enable Project

What doesn't work /webhooks dir throws a 404 /pages dir throws a 404

I am sure I am just doing something wrong.

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

So when you enable a project, it does yet automatically pull the latest code. There is an issue for that #17. So it may be that you need to push to your deploy branch and that should build the project page. Let me know if that works or does not.

automatikdonn commented 9 years ago

That was where I started. I got the webhook working. This does not like to be proxied, it will not work. I pushed a change, and saw the webhook be called.. however

That does not work. I even put a index.html manually in the publicdir folder.... still get 404?

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

Could you take a look in the project's .tmp/ and pages/ directories? The .tmp is where clones go, and pages is where the final Jekyll static-content website goes.

I'd recommend taking a quick read through Another user found that one of the checks to see if a project is enabled would sometimes fail. That if statement would cause problems for their setup and found removing it was their workaround. See

I currently do not have much in the way of debugging tools for GitLab Pages. I would highly recommend simply adding debug statements throughout until you find where it stops executing and fails and then let me know where.