Glavin001 / GoPong

Multiplayer 3D Pong game using GoInstant's Platform.
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GoInstant Platform for multiplayer #1

Open Glavin001 opened 10 years ago

Glavin001 commented 10 years ago

Connect URL: Secret: 8uwWrcPdsHDPgrdP9ixZNxlbhAWltCaBcr1WKRYarou6XmLsFhxj7i2_BSORIQomqNUzotODaX4S

Sample code for setting room:

function setRoomName() {
  // if we have the go-SNAKE room in sessionStorage then just connect to
  // the room and continue with the initialization.
  roomName = sessionStorage.getItem(GO_SNAKE_ID);
  if (roomName) {
    return true;

  // if we do not have the name in storage then check to see if the window
  // location contains a query string containing the id of the room.

  // creating an anchor tag and assigning the href to the window location
  // will automatically parse out the URL components ... sweet.
  var parser = document.createElement('a');
  parser.href = window.location.toString();

  var hasRoom = QUERY_REGEX.exec(;
  var roomId = hasRoom && hasRoom[2];
  if (roomId) {
    roomName = roomId.toString();
    // add the cookie to the document.
    sessionStorage.setItem(GO_SNAKE_ID, roomName);

    // regenerate the URI without the go-SNAKE query parameter and reload
    // the page with the new URI.
    var beforeRoom = hasRoom[1];
    if (beforeRoom[beforeRoom.length - 1] === '&') {
      beforeRoom = beforeRoom.slice(0, beforeRoom.lengh - 1);
    var searchStr = beforeRoom + hasRoom[3];
    if (searchStr.length > 0) {
      searchStr = '?' + searchStr;
    } = searchStr;

    // set the new location and discontinue the initialization.
    window.location = parser.href;
    return false;

  // there is no room to join for this SNAKE so simply create a new
  // room and set the cookie in case of future refreshes.
  var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 32));
  roomName = id.toString();
  sessionStorage.setItem(GO_SNAKE_ID, roomName);

  return true;
Glavin001 commented 10 years ago

If not multiplayer with another human online, then AI steps in to play.