Glavin001 / MrShell

Map-Reduce inspired Shell.
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

Shell Core #11

Closed Glavin001 closed 9 years ago

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago
Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

This is what I have so far:

MrShell$ make && ./build/mrsh 
mkdir -p build
gcc -Wall -Wextra -o build/mrsh src/mrsh.c
                     ____     __               ___    ___     
 /'\_/`\            /\  _`\  /\ \             /\_ \  /\_ \      
/\      \   _ __    \ \,\L\_\\ \ \___       __\//\ \ \//\ \     
\ \ \__\ \ /\`'__\   \/_\__ \ \ \  _ `\   /'__`\\ \ \  \ \ \    
 \ \ \_/\ \\ \ \/      /\ \L\ \\ \ \ \ \ /\  __/ \_\ \_ \_\ \_  
  \ \_\\ \_\\ \_\      \ `\____\\ \_\ \_\\ \____\/\____\/\____\ 
   \/_/ \/_/ \/_/       \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ \/____/\/____/\/____/ 

    0100110101110010 0101001101101000011001010110110001101100  

                 Created by the Pipe Brothers                  

An extreme shell for people who really know how to pipe.    


MrShell$ ls
LICENSE   Makefile build     src

MrShell$ pwd
/Users/glavin/Documents/Project Dev/CSCI3431/MrShell

MrShell$ whoami

MrShell$ hello world
*** ERROR: exec failed

MrShell$ ^C
Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

Helpful links:

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago