Glavin001 / SMMApp2

Saint Mary's Mobile App, Version 2.0 @
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Gestures #29

Open TwistedFaith opened 10 years ago

TwistedFaith commented 10 years ago

Discussion (yet to be cleaned up):

We can upload photos with <input type="file"/> as of iOS 6.
Not really, however, that's only because the WebKit view captures all touch inputs instead of the native app and then triggering a specific event
One sec, I think there are libraries for it out there
Pinching and rotating, are compliant gestures that are supported
Glavin Wiechert
Glavin Wiechert
11 Multi-touch and Touch events Javascript libraries
Touch screen devices are ruling the mobile platform nowadays. Most of the smart phones have it, tablet and based on the trend, it's slowly come to our desktop as well. To develop a touch screen compatible web applications or website, you can use the existing touch events of the browsers or the platf...
Glavin Wiechert
Glavin Wiechert
This should be very useful.
What do you have in mind?
Javian Trotman
Javian Trotman
Well that's kinda just using the browser
Cause whatever browser the phone is using have that supports
Which connects the js
Glavin Wiechert
Glavin Wiechert
Javian Trotman
Javian Trotman
I was thinking if we could at least redefine those set gestures
Glavin Wiechert
Glavin Wiechert
It's just using JavaScript to process the mouse events and calculate possible gestures.
Redefine the gestures? Like create new ones?
Javian Trotman
Javian Trotman
Yea basically
Glavin Wiechert
Glavin Wiechert
We could, potentially. I'm not sure if JavaScript has access to all of the touch positions
Javian Trotman
Javian Trotman
Well the space given to us by the browser
And I said redefine cause,  difference browsers have different number of gestures
And the ones we make,  if we can make might interfere with those
Glavin Wiechert
Glavin Wiechert
I don't know. 
I'd recommend creating an issue:
to track thoughts and notes
What would a gesture be, that we'd create?
We have libraries that detect Pinch, Pan, Swipe, Tap,
Javian Trotman
Javian Trotman
Idk but they are always more useful than clicks
Glavin Wiechert
Glavin Wiechert
Yeah, absolutely. We just have to think of one that works
We could use a slider on the side? Select the building, and a slider appears?