Glavin001 / atom-beautify

:mega: Help Wanted - Looking for Maintainer: | :lipstick: Universal beautification package for Atom editor (:warning: Currently migrating to and have very limited bandwidth for Atom-Beautify Issues. Thank you for your patience and understanding :heart: )
MIT License
1.5k stars 453 forks source link

Unable to install #2327

Closed archerbird closed 5 years ago

archerbird commented 5 years ago

Expected Results

atom-beautify should install without error.

Actual Output

Installing “atom-beautify@0.33.4” failed.

npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...LCuUW75t6FgEfElf\nLu8'

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\kmcdowell\.atom\.apm\_logs\2019-03-07T15_40_23_193Z-debug.log

complete log:

0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'C:\\Users\\km\\AppData\\Local\\atom\\app-1.34.0\\resources\\app\\apm\\bin\\node.exe',
1 verbose cli   'C:\\Users\\km\\AppData\\Local\\atom\\app-1.34.0\\resources\\app\\apm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js',
1 verbose cli   '--globalconfig',
1 verbose cli   'C:\\Users\\km\\.atom\\.apm\\.apmrc',
1 verbose cli   '--userconfig',
1 verbose cli   'C:\\Users\\km\\.atom\\.apmrc',
1 verbose cli   'install',
1 verbose cli   '',
1 verbose cli   '--runtime=electron',
1 verbose cli   '--target=2.0.16',
1 verbose cli   '--dist-url=',
1 verbose cli   '--arch=x64',
1 verbose cli   '--global-style',
1 verbose cli   '--msvs_version=2015' ]
2 info using npm@6.2.0
3 info using node@v8.9.3
4 verbose npm-session d9d7b06b9eea7677
5 silly install loadCurrentTree
6 silly install readLocalPackageData
7 http fetch GET 200 866ms
8 silly pacote remote manifest for undefined@ fetched in 927ms
9 timing stage:loadCurrentTree Completed in 1518ms
10 silly install loadIdealTree
11 silly install cloneCurrentTreeToIdealTree
12 timing stage:loadIdealTree:cloneCurrentTree Completed in 0ms
13 silly install loadShrinkwrap
14 timing stage:loadIdealTree:loadShrinkwrap Completed in 1ms
15 silly install loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree
16 silly resolveWithNewModule atom-beautify@0.33.4 checking installable status
17 http fetch GET 200 189ms
18 http fetch GET 200 190ms
19 http fetch GET 200 196ms
20 http fetch GET 200 199ms
21 http fetch GET 200 203ms
22 http fetch GET 200 202ms
23 http fetch GET 200 211ms
24 http fetch GET 200 213ms
25 silly fetchPackageMetaData error for bluebird@^3.5.1 Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...nt":"~0.6.4","grunt-c'
26 http fetch GET 200 208ms
27 silly pacote range manifest for csscomb@^4.2.0 fetched in 236ms
28 silly resolveWithNewModule csscomb@4.2.0 checking installable status
29 silly pacote range manifest for atom-space-pen-views@^2.2.0 fetched in 242ms
30 silly resolveWithNewModule atom-space-pen-views@2.2.0 checking installable status
31 silly pacote range manifest for align-yaml@^0.1.8 fetched in 259ms
32 silly resolveWithNewModule align-yaml@0.1.8 checking installable status
33 silly pacote range manifest for atom-message-panel@^1.3.0 fetched in 254ms
34 silly resolveWithNewModule atom-message-panel@1.3.0 checking installable status
35 silly pacote range manifest for coffee-fmt@^0.12.0 fetched in 270ms
36 silly resolveWithNewModule coffee-fmt@0.12.0 checking installable status
37 silly pacote range manifest for coffee-formatter@^0.1.2 fetched in 283ms
38 silly resolveWithNewModule coffee-formatter@0.1.2 checking installable status
39 silly pacote range manifest for diff@^3.4.0 fetched in 278ms
40 silly resolveWithNewModule diff@3.5.0 checking installable status
41 http fetch GET 200 290ms
42 silly fetchPackageMetaData error for async@^2.6.0 Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...a-mocha":"^1.2.0","ka'
43 http fetch GET 200 135ms
44 http fetch GET 200 149ms
45 http fetch GET 200 106ms
46 http fetch GET 200 114ms
47 http fetch GET 200 98ms
48 http fetch GET 200 122ms
49 http fetch GET 200 133ms
50 http fetch GET 200 104ms
51 http fetch GET 200 112ms
52 silly pacote range manifest for coffeescript@^1.12.6 fetched in 417ms
53 silly resolveWithNewModule coffeescript@1.12.7 checking installable status
54 silly pacote range manifest for editorconfig@^0.15.0 fetched in 201ms
55 silly resolveWithNewModule editorconfig@0.15.3 checking installable status
56 silly pacote range manifest for extend@^3.0.1 fetched in 364ms
57 silly resolveWithNewModule extend@3.0.2 checking installable status
58 silly pacote version manifest for expand-home-dir@0.0.3 fetched in 375ms
59 silly resolveWithNewModule expand-home-dir@0.0.3 checking installable status
60 silly pacote range manifest for event-kit@^2.4.0 fetched in 384ms
61 silly resolveWithNewModule event-kit@2.5.3 checking installable status
62 silly pacote range manifest for handlebars@^4.0.11 fetched in 353ms
63 silly resolveWithNewModule handlebars@4.1.0 checking installable status
64 silly pacote range manifest for eslint@^4.16.0 fetched in 396ms
65 silly resolveWithNewModule eslint@4.19.1 checking installable status
66 silly pacote range manifest for js-beautify@^1.8.1 fetched in 359ms
67 silly resolveWithNewModule js-beautify@1.9.0 checking installable status
68 http fetch GET 200 362ms
69 http fetch GET 200 241ms
70 http fetch GET 200 243ms
71 http fetch GET 200 283ms
72 silly pacote range manifest for jscs@^3.0.7 fetched in 408ms
73 silly resolveWithNewModule jscs@3.0.7 checking installable status
74 silly pacote range manifest for gherkin@^2.12.2 fetched in 430ms
75 silly resolveWithNewModule gherkin@2.12.2 checking installable status
76 silly pacote range manifest for loophole@^1.1.0 fetched in 286ms
77 silly resolveWithNewModule loophole@1.1.0 checking installable status
78 http fetch GET 200 82ms
79 silly pacote range manifest for lodash@^4.17.4 fetched in 293ms
80 silly resolveWithNewModule lodash@4.17.11 checking installable status
81 http fetch GET 200 86ms
82 http fetch GET 200 79ms
83 http fetch GET 200 73ms
84 http fetch GET 200 89ms
85 silly pacote range manifest for nginxbeautify@^2.0.1 fetched in 118ms
86 silly resolveWithNewModule nginxbeautify@2.0.1 checking installable status
87 http fetch GET 200 116ms
88 silly pacote version manifest for open@0.0.5 fetched in 115ms
89 silly resolveWithNewModule open@0.0.5 checking installable status
90 http fetch GET 200 66ms
91 silly pacote range manifest for prettydiff2@^2.2.7 fetched in 119ms
92 silly resolveWithNewModule prettydiff2@2.2.8 checking installable status
93 silly pacote range manifest for prettier@^1.11.1 fetched in 123ms
94 silly resolveWithNewModule prettier@1.16.4 checking installable status
95 http fetch GET 200 70ms
96 silly pacote version manifest for node-dir@0.1.17 fetched in 229ms
97 silly resolveWithNewModule node-dir@0.1.17 checking installable status
98 silly pacote range manifest for pug-beautify@^0.1.1 fetched in 171ms
99 silly resolveWithNewModule pug-beautify@0.1.1 checking installable status
100 http fetch GET 200 114ms
101 http fetch GET 200 137ms
102 http fetch GET 200 132ms
103 http fetch GET 200 171ms
104 http fetch GET 200 120ms
105 http fetch GET 200 185ms
106 http fetch GET 200 101ms
107 silly pacote version manifest for node-cljfmt@0.5.3 fetched in 321ms
108 silly resolveWithNewModule node-cljfmt@0.5.3 checking installable status
109 silly pacote version manifest for space-pen@5.1.2 fetched in 218ms
110 silly resolveWithNewModule space-pen@5.1.2 checking installable status
111 http fetch GET 200 114ms
112 silly pacote range manifest for strip-json-comments@^2.0.1 fetched in 211ms
113 silly resolveWithNewModule strip-json-comments@2.0.1 checking installable status
114 silly pacote range manifest for semver@^5.5.0 fetched in 266ms
115 silly resolveWithNewModule semver@5.6.0 checking installable status
116 http fetch GET 200 291ms
117 silly pacote version manifest for remark@6.0.1 fetched in 344ms
118 silly resolveWithNewModule remark@6.0.1 checking installable status
119 http fetch GET 200 191ms
120 http fetch GET 200 193ms
121 silly pacote version manifest for tidy-markdown@2.0.4 fetched in 234ms
122 silly resolveWithNewModule tidy-markdown@2.0.4 checking installable status
123 http fetch GET 200 151ms
124 silly pacote range manifest for season@^6.0.2 fetched in 400ms
125 silly resolveWithNewModule season@6.0.2 checking installable status
126 http fetch GET 200 137ms
127 http fetch GET 200 142ms
128 http fetch GET 200 145ms
129 http fetch GET 200 257ms
130 silly pacote range manifest for shell-env@^0.3.0 fetched in 439ms
131 silly resolveWithNewModule shell-env@0.3.0 checking installable status
132 silly pacote range manifest for temp@^0.8.3 fetched in 416ms
133 silly resolveWithNewModule temp@0.8.3 checking installable status
134 http fetch GET 200 221ms
135 silly pacote range manifest for typescript-formatter@^7.0.0 fetched in 322ms
136 silly resolveWithNewModule typescript-formatter@7.2.2 checking installable status
137 silly pacote range manifest for universal-analytics@^0.4.16 fetched in 298ms
138 silly resolveWithNewModule universal-analytics@0.4.20 checking installable status
139 silly pacote range manifest for underscore-plus@^1.6.6 fetched in 301ms
140 silly resolveWithNewModule underscore-plus@1.6.8 checking installable status
141 silly pacote range manifest for uuid@^3.1.0 fetched in 301ms
142 silly resolveWithNewModule uuid@3.3.2 checking installable status
143 http fetch GET 200 168ms
144 http fetch GET 200 186ms
145 silly pacote range manifest for typescript@^2.6.2 fetched in 416ms
146 silly resolveWithNewModule typescript@2.9.2 checking installable status
147 silly pacote range manifest for which@^1.3.0 fetched in 251ms
148 silly resolveWithNewModule which@1.3.1 checking installable status
149 silly pacote range manifest for winston@^2.4.0 fetched in 205ms
150 silly resolveWithNewModule winston@2.4.4 checking installable status
151 silly pacote version manifest for yaml-front-matter@3.4.1 fetched in 190ms
152 silly resolveWithNewModule yaml-front-matter@3.4.1 checking installable status
153 timing stage:rollbackFailedOptional Completed in 1ms
154 timing stage:runTopLevelLifecycles Completed in 2885ms
155 silly saveTree apm-install-dir-11927-7060-tkn421.xnosr
155 silly saveTree `-- atom-beautify@0.33.4
155 silly saveTree   +-- align-yaml@0.1.8
155 silly saveTree   +-- atom-message-panel@1.3.0
155 silly saveTree   | `-- atom-space-pen-views@2.2.0
155 silly saveTree   |   `-- space-pen@5.1.2
155 silly saveTree   |     `-- underscore-plus@1.6.8
155 silly saveTree   +-- atom-space-pen-views@2.2.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- coffee-fmt@0.12.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- coffee-formatter@0.1.2
155 silly saveTree   +-- coffeescript@1.12.7
155 silly saveTree   +-- csscomb@4.2.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- diff@3.5.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- editorconfig@0.15.3
155 silly saveTree   | `-- semver@5.6.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- eslint@4.19.1
155 silly saveTree   | +-- lodash@4.17.11
155 silly saveTree   | `-- strip-json-comments@2.0.1
155 silly saveTree   +-- event-kit@2.5.3
155 silly saveTree   +-- expand-home-dir@0.0.3
155 silly saveTree   +-- extend@3.0.2
155 silly saveTree   +-- gherkin@2.12.2
155 silly saveTree   +-- handlebars@4.1.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- js-beautify@1.9.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- jscs@3.0.7
155 silly saveTree   +-- lodash@4.17.11
155 silly saveTree   +-- loophole@1.1.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- nginxbeautify@2.0.1
155 silly saveTree   +-- node-cljfmt@0.5.3
155 silly saveTree   +-- node-dir@0.1.17
155 silly saveTree   +-- open@0.0.5
155 silly saveTree   +-- prettier@1.16.4
155 silly saveTree   +-- prettydiff2@2.2.8
155 silly saveTree   +-- pug-beautify@0.1.1
155 silly saveTree   +-- remark@6.0.1
155 silly saveTree   +-- season@6.0.2
155 silly saveTree   +-- semver@5.6.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- shell-env@0.3.0
155 silly saveTree   +-- space-pen@5.1.2
155 silly saveTree   +-- strip-json-comments@2.0.1
155 silly saveTree   +-- temp@0.8.3
155 silly saveTree   +-- tidy-markdown@2.0.4
155 silly saveTree   +-- typescript-formatter@7.2.2
155 silly saveTree   +-- typescript@2.9.2
155 silly saveTree   +-- underscore-plus@1.6.8
155 silly saveTree   +-- universal-analytics@0.4.20
155 silly saveTree   | `-- uuid@3.3.2
155 silly saveTree   +-- uuid@3.3.2
155 silly saveTree   +-- which@1.3.1
155 silly saveTree   +-- winston@2.4.4
155 silly saveTree   `-- yaml-front-matter@3.4.1
156 verbose stack SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...nt":"~0.6.4","grunt-c'
156 verbose stack     at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
156 verbose stack     at parseJson (C:\Users\km\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.34.0\resources\app\apm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\json-parse-better-errors\index.js:7:17)
156 verbose stack     at (C:\Users\km\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.34.0\resources\app\apm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-fetch-npm\src\body.js:96:50)
156 verbose stack     at <anonymous>
156 verbose stack     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
157 verbose cwd C:\Users\KMCDOW~1\AppData\Local\Temp\apm-install-dir-11927-7060-tkn421.xnosr
158 verbose Windows_NT 10.0.17134
159 verbose argv "C:\\Users\\km\\AppData\\Local\\atom\\app-1.34.0\\resources\\app\\apm\\bin\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\km\\AppData\\Local\\atom\\app-1.34.0\\resources\\app\\apm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "--globalconfig" "C:\\Users\\km\\.atom\\.apm\\.apmrc" "--userconfig" "C:\\Users\\km\\.atom\\.apmrc" "install" "" "--runtime=electron" "--target=2.0.16" "--dist-url=" "--arch=x64" "--global-style" "--msvs_version=2015"
160 verbose node v8.9.3
161 verbose npm  v6.2.0
162 error Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...nt":"~0.6.4","grunt-c'
163 verbose exit [ 1, true ]

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Click the Install button from the Install Packages section of Atom's Settings

I have tried:

archerbird commented 5 years ago

I also tried: uninstalling/reinstalling atom uninstalling/reinstalling node tired over different internet connections tried to look at the problem files directly for any actual syntax issues (didn't see any):

archerbird commented 5 years ago

The problem was simply that I kept getting incomplete files. bluebird and async were particularly problematic. I solve, I simply had to keep deleting the ~/.atom/.apm/_cacache folder and retrying the install. After about 15 tries it finally worked.