Glavin001 / atom-beautify

:mega: Help Wanted - Looking for Maintainer: | :lipstick: Universal beautification package for Atom editor (:warning: Currently migrating to and have very limited bandwidth for Atom-Beautify Issues. Thank you for your patience and understanding :heart: )
MIT License
1.5k stars 453 forks source link

Language Support Request: XSLT #480

Open spodzone opened 9 years ago

spodzone commented 9 years ago

Please could we have a beautifier for files .xsl, .xslt ?

Ideally, typical XML 2-space indent and a blank line between xsl elements such as xsl:template, xsl:output, etc.


Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

If you change your file's grammar to XML does it work well for beautification? Let me know, because if treating this as XML works then this will be a very quick fix to get XSLT support since we can already handle XML.

To change your grammar go to Atom's menu -> Edit -> Select Grammar.

spodzone commented 9 years ago

Thanks; switching the grammar allows beautify to run, and the results remain unchanged by subsequent re-beautifications, but it doesn't really add much.

0) correct: it generally introduces a regular 4-space indent, that's fine.

1) major bug: it has broken a mention of <xsl:text> by introducing spaces: <xsl : text>.

2) bug: it introduces a double space between elements and their attributes <link [double-space here] href="/skin/style-display.css" rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css"/>

3) bug: comment PIs are not indented

4) nice to have: wrap+indent attributes to keep the line-length sane - currently these come out all on one line(!):

    exclude-result-prefixes="xsd xsl" 

5) nice to have: blank lines before <xsl:template> declarations, before <xsl:stylesheet>, before <xsl:output>, and indent <xsl:param> and <xsl:variable> 4 spaces.

I'm new to Atom, but from previous lives, I used to pipe a buffer through this little shell script - included here to assist what I'd like to emulate:


export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin

basic() {
  xmlstarlet fo -s 2

nltemplate() {
    sed -E 's#<xsl:template#\n  <xsl:template#g'

stylesheet() {
    sed -E '/<xsl:stylesheet/s# #\n    #g'

stylespace() {
    sed -E 's#<xsl:stylesheet#\n<xsl:stylesheet#'

paramspace() {
    sed -E '1,/<xsl:param/s#<xsl:(param)#\n  <xsl:\1#'

outputspace() {
    sed -E '1,/<xsl:output/s#<xsl:(output)#\n  <xsl:\1#'

variablespace() {
    sed -E '1,/<xsl:variable/s#<xsl:(variable)#\n  <xsl:\1#'

nowhitespaceblanklines() {
    sed -E 's#^[ \t]*$##'

basic | nltemplate | stylesheet | stylespace | paramspace | outputspace | variablespace | nowhitespaceblanklines

Also a couple of images just for amusement - what I'd like and what it gives.


selection_004 selection_003

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

Interesting. Please run the Atom command from the command palette: Atom Beautify: Help Debug Editor. This will provide me with some more debugging information. Please put this into a Gist with the extension .md (it is a markdown file) and post the link here. Thanks!

spodzone commented 9 years ago

The real breakage with the xsl : text happens just after a bunch of inline JS script at the bottom near the </body> tag.


prettydiff commented 9 years ago

@spodzone I provide the XML support for Atom-Beautify. Would you mind opening a bug at and list as bullet points features you would like to extend XML beautification into a more desirable format for XSLT?