Glavin001 / atom-beautify

:mega: Help Wanted - Looking for Maintainer: | :lipstick: Universal beautification package for Atom editor (:warning: Currently migrating to and have very limited bandwidth for Atom-Beautify Issues. Thank you for your patience and understanding :heart: )
MIT License
1.5k stars 454 forks source link

Invalid array length on any .css #504

Closed norgen closed 9 years ago

norgen commented 9 years ago

Atom Beautify - Debugging information

The following debugging information was generated by Atom Beautify on Tue Aug 11 2015 23:03:29 GMT+0500 (YEKT).

Platform: darwin


Atom Version: 1.0.5

Atom Beautify Version: 0.28.11

Original file to be beautified

Original File Path: /Users/norgen/Desktop/moneymon/app/reset.css

Original File Grammar: CSS

Original File Language: CSS

Original File Contents:

html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
b, u, i, center,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,
article, aside, canvas, details, embed,
figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup,
menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary,
time, mark, audio, video {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    font-size: 100%;
    font: inherit;
    vertical-align: baseline;
/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure,
footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
    display: block;
body {
    line-height: 1;
ol, ul {
    list-style: none;
blockquote, q {
    quotes: none;
blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
q:before, q:after {
    content: '';
    content: none;
table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    border-spacing: 0;

Beautification options

Editor Options: Options from Atom Editor settings

    "_default": {
        "indent_size": 1,
        "indent_char": "\t",
        "indent_with_tabs": true

Config Options: Options from Atom Beautify package settings

    "js": {
        "indent_size": 4,
        "indent_with_tabs": true,
        "jslint_happy": true,
        "indent_char": " ",
        "indent_level": 0,
        "preserve_newlines": true,
        "max_preserve_newlines": 10,
        "space_in_paren": false,
        "space_after_anon_function": false,
        "brace_style": "collapse",
        "break_chained_methods": false,
        "keep_array_indentation": false,
        "keep_function_indentation": false,
        "space_before_conditional": true,
        "eval_code": false,
        "unescape_strings": false,
        "wrap_line_length": 0,
        "end_with_newline": false
    "html": {
        "indent_inner_html": true,
        "indent_size": 2,
        "indent_char": " ",
        "brace_style": "collapse",
        "indent_scripts": "normal",
        "wrap_line_length": 250,
        "wrap_attributes": "auto",
        "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 2,
        "preserve_newlines": true,
        "max_preserve_newlines": 10,
        "unformatted": [
        "end_with_newline": false
    "arduino": {
        "configPath": ""
    "cs": {
        "configPath": ""
    "c": {
        "configPath": ""
    "cpp": {
        "configPath": ""
    "css": {
        "indent_size": 2,
        "indent_char": " ",
        "selector_separator_newline": false,
        "newline_between_rules": false,
        "preserve_newlines": false,
        "wrap_line_length": 0,
        "indent_comments": true,
        "force_indentation": false,
        "convert_quotes": "none",
        "align_assignments": false
    "d": {
        "configPath": ""
    "gherkin": {
        "indent_size": 2,
        "indent_char": " "
    "fortran": {
        "emacs_path": "",
        "emacs_script_path": ""
    "java": {
        "configPath": ""
    "objectivec": {
        "configPath": ""
    "pawn": {
        "configPath": ""
    "perl": {
        "perltidy_profile": ""
    "php": {
        "cs_fixer_path": "",
        "fixers": "",
        "level": ""
    "python": {
        "max_line_length": 79,
        "indent_size": 4,
        "ignore": [
    "ruby": {
        "indent_size": 2,
        "indent_char": " "
    "rust": {
        "rustfmt_path": ""
    "sql": {
        "indent_size": 2,
        "keywords": "upper",
        "identifiers": "lower"
    "vala": {
        "configPath": ""

Home Options: Options from /Users/norgen/.jsbeautifyrc

    "_default": {}

EditorConfig Options: Options from EditorConfig file

    "_default": {
        "indent_style": "tab",
        "end_of_line": "lf",
        "charset": "utf-8",
        "trim_trailing_whitespace": true,
        "insert_final_newline": true,
        "indent_size": "tab",
        "indent_char": "\t",
        "indent_with_tabs": true

Project Options: Options from .jsbeautifyrc files starting from directory /Users/norgen/Desktop/moneymon/app and going up to root

        "_default": {}
        "_default": {}
        "_default": {}
        "_default": {}
        "_default": {}

Final Options: Final combined options that are used

    "indent_size": "tab",
    "indent_char": "\t",
    "indent_with_tabs": true,
    "indent_style": "tab",
    "end_of_line": "lf",
    "charset": "utf-8",
    "trim_trailing_whitespace": true,
    "insert_final_newline": true

Package Settings: The raw package settings options

    "_analyticsUserId": "7c57a2ba-e3d8-41a4-b4d6-46c4ecaf67a7",
    "js_indent_size": 4,
    "js_indent_with_tabs": true,
    "js_jslint_happy": true,
    "html_indent_inner_html": true,
    "analytics": true,
    "_loggerLevel": "warn",
    "beautifyEntireFileOnSave": true,
    "muteUnsupportedLanguageErrors": false,
    "muteAllErrors": false,
    "arduino_configPath": "",
    "cs_configPath": "",
    "c_configPath": "",
    "cpp_configPath": "",
    "css_indent_size": 2,
    "css_indent_char": " ",
    "css_selector_separator_newline": false,
    "css_newline_between_rules": false,
    "css_preserve_newlines": false,
    "css_wrap_line_length": 0,
    "css_indent_comments": true,
    "css_force_indentation": false,
    "css_convert_quotes": "none",
    "css_align_assignments": false,
    "d_configPath": "",
    "gherkin_indent_size": 2,
    "gherkin_indent_char": " ",
    "fortran_emacs_path": "",
    "fortran_emacs_script_path": "",
    "html_indent_size": 2,
    "html_indent_char": " ",
    "html_brace_style": "collapse",
    "html_indent_scripts": "normal",
    "html_wrap_line_length": 250,
    "html_wrap_attributes": "auto",
    "html_wrap_attributes_indent_size": 2,
    "html_preserve_newlines": true,
    "html_max_preserve_newlines": 10,
    "html_unformatted": [
    "html_end_with_newline": false,
    "java_configPath": "",
    "js_indent_char": " ",
    "js_indent_level": 0,
    "js_preserve_newlines": true,
    "js_max_preserve_newlines": 10,
    "js_space_in_paren": false,
    "js_space_after_anon_function": false,
    "js_brace_style": "collapse",
    "js_break_chained_methods": false,
    "js_keep_array_indentation": false,
    "js_keep_function_indentation": false,
    "js_space_before_conditional": true,
    "js_eval_code": false,
    "js_unescape_strings": false,
    "js_wrap_line_length": 0,
    "js_end_with_newline": false,
    "objectivec_configPath": "",
    "pawn_configPath": "",
    "perl_perltidy_profile": "",
    "php_cs_fixer_path": "",
    "php_fixers": "",
    "php_level": "",
    "python_max_line_length": 79,
    "python_indent_size": 4,
    "python_ignore": [
    "ruby_indent_size": 2,
    "ruby_indent_char": " ",
    "rust_rustfmt_path": "",
    "sql_indent_size": 2,
    "sql_keywords": "upper",
    "sql_identifiers": "lower",
    "vala_configPath": "",
    "language_arduino_disabled": false,
    "language_arduino_default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
    "language_arduino_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_cs_disabled": false,
    "language_cs_default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
    "language_cs_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_c_disabled": false,
    "language_c_default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
    "language_c_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_coffeescript_disabled": false,
    "language_coffeescript_default_beautifier": "coffee-fmt",
    "language_coffeescript_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_cpp_disabled": false,
    "language_cpp_default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
    "language_cpp_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_css_disabled": false,
    "language_css_default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "language_css_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_csv_disabled": false,
    "language_csv_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_csv_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_d_disabled": false,
    "language_d_default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
    "language_d_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_ejs_disabled": false,
    "language_ejs_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_ejs_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_erb_disabled": false,
    "language_erb_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_erb_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_gherkin_disabled": false,
    "language_gherkin_default_beautifier": "Gherkin formatter",
    "language_gherkin_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_go_disabled": false,
    "language_go_default_beautifier": "gofmt",
    "language_go_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_fortran_disabled": false,
    "language_fortran_default_beautifier": "Fortran Beautifier",
    "language_fortran_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_handlebars_disabled": false,
    "language_handlebars_default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "language_handlebars_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_html_disabled": false,
    "language_html_default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "language_html_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_java_disabled": false,
    "language_java_default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
    "language_java_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_js_disabled": false,
    "language_js_default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "language_js_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_json_disabled": false,
    "language_json_default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "language_json_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_jsx_disabled": false,
    "language_jsx_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_jsx_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_less_disabled": false,
    "language_less_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_less_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_markdown_disabled": false,
    "language_markdown_default_beautifier": "Tidy Markdown",
    "language_markdown_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_marko_disabled": false,
    "language_marko_default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "language_marko_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_mustache_disabled": false,
    "language_mustache_default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "language_mustache_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_objectivec_disabled": false,
    "language_objectivec_default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
    "language_objectivec_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_pawn_disabled": false,
    "language_pawn_default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
    "language_pawn_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_perl_disabled": false,
    "language_perl_default_beautifier": "Perltidy",
    "language_perl_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_php_disabled": false,
    "language_php_default_beautifier": "PHP-CS-Fixer",
    "language_php_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_puppet_disabled": false,
    "language_puppet_default_beautifier": "puppet-lint",
    "language_puppet_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_python_disabled": false,
    "language_python_default_beautifier": "autopep8",
    "language_python_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_ruby_disabled": false,
    "language_ruby_default_beautifier": "Rubocop",
    "language_ruby_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_rust_disabled": false,
    "language_rust_default_beautifier": "rustfmt",
    "language_rust_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_sass_disabled": false,
    "language_sass_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_sass_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_scss_disabled": false,
    "language_scss_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_scss_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_spacebars_disabled": false,
    "language_spacebars_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_spacebars_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_sql_disabled": false,
    "language_sql_default_beautifier": "sqlformat",
    "language_sql_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_svg_disabled": false,
    "language_svg_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_svg_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_swig_disabled": false,
    "language_swig_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_swig_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_tss_disabled": false,
    "language_tss_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_tss_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_twig_disabled": false,
    "language_twig_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_twig_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_typescript_disabled": false,
    "language_typescript_default_beautifier": "TypeScript Formatter",
    "language_typescript_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_vala_disabled": false,
    "language_vala_default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
    "language_vala_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_visualforce_disabled": false,
    "language_visualforce_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_visualforce_beautify_on_save": false,
    "language_xml_disabled": false,
    "language_xml_default_beautifier": "Pretty Diff",
    "language_xml_beautify_on_save": false


Beautified File Contents:

RangeError: Invalid array length


2015-08-11T18:03:29.905Z - info: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] beautify html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
b, u, i, center,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,
article, aside, canvas, details, embed,
figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup,
menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary,
time, mark, audio, video {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    font-size: 100%;
    font: inherit;
    vertical-align: baseline;
/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure,
footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
    display: block;
body {
    line-height: 1;
ol, ul {
    list-style: none;
blockquote, q {
    quotes: none;
blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
q:before, q:after {
    content: '';
    content: none;
table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    border-spacing: 0;
 [ { _default: { indent_size: 1, indent_char: '\t', indent_with_tabs: true } },
  { js: 
     { indent_size: 4,
       indent_with_tabs: true,
       jslint_happy: true,
       indent_char: ' ',
       indent_level: 0,
       preserve_newlines: true,
       max_preserve_newlines: 10,
       space_in_paren: false,
       space_after_anon_function: false,
       brace_style: 'collapse',
       break_chained_methods: false,
       keep_array_indentation: false,
       keep_function_indentation: false,
       space_before_conditional: true,
       eval_code: false,
       unescape_strings: false,
       wrap_line_length: 0,
       end_with_newline: false },
     { indent_inner_html: true,
       indent_size: 2,
       indent_char: ' ',
       brace_style: 'collapse',
       indent_scripts: 'normal',
       wrap_line_length: 250,
       wrap_attributes: 'auto',
       wrap_attributes_indent_size: 2,
       preserve_newlines: true,
       max_preserve_newlines: 10,
       unformatted: [Object],
       end_with_newline: false },
    arduino: { configPath: '' },
    cs: { configPath: '' },
    c: { configPath: '' },
    cpp: { configPath: '' },
     { indent_size: 2,
       indent_char: ' ',
       selector_separator_newline: false,
       newline_between_rules: false,
       preserve_newlines: false,
       wrap_line_length: 0,
       indent_comments: true,
       force_indentation: false,
       convert_quotes: 'none',
       align_assignments: false },
    d: { configPath: '' },
    gherkin: { indent_size: 2, indent_char: ' ' },
    fortran: { emacs_path: '', emacs_script_path: '' },
    java: { configPath: '' },
    objectivec: { configPath: '' },
    pawn: { configPath: '' },
    perl: { perltidy_profile: '' },
    php: { cs_fixer_path: '', fixers: '', level: '' },
    python: { max_line_length: 79, indent_size: 4, ignore: [Object] },
    ruby: { indent_size: 2, indent_char: ' ' },
    rust: { rustfmt_path: '' },
    sql: { indent_size: 2, keywords: 'upper', identifiers: 'lower' },
    vala: { configPath: '' } },
  { _default: {} },
  { _default: 
     { indent_style: 'tab',
       end_of_line: 'lf',
       charset: 'utf-8',
       trim_trailing_whitespace: true,
       insert_final_newline: true,
       indent_size: 'tab',
       indent_char: '\t',
       indent_with_tabs: true } },
  { _default: {} },
  { _default: {} },
  { _default: {} },
  { _default: {} },
  { _default: {} } ] CSS /Users/norgen/Desktop/moneymon/app/reset.css undefined
2015-08-11T18:03:29.905Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/]  indent_size=1, indent_char=  , indent_with_tabs=true, indent_size=4, indent_with_tabs=true, jslint_happy=true, indent_char= , indent_level=0, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, indent_inner_html=true, indent_size=2, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_line_length=250, wrap_attributes=auto, wrap_attributes_indent_size=2, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, unformatted=[a, sub, sup, b, i, u], end_with_newline=false, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, indent_size=2, indent_char= , selector_separator_newline=false, newline_between_rules=false, preserve_newlines=false, wrap_line_length=0, indent_comments=true, force_indentation=false, convert_quotes=none, align_assignments=false, configPath=, indent_size=2, indent_char= , emacs_path=, emacs_script_path=, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, perltidy_profile=, cs_fixer_path=, fixers=, level=, max_line_length=79, indent_size=4, ignore=[E24], indent_size=2, indent_char= , rustfmt_path=, indent_size=2, keywords=upper, identifiers=lower, configPath=, , indent_style=tab, end_of_line=lf, charset=utf-8, trim_trailing_whitespace=true, insert_final_newline=true, indent_size=tab, indent_char=   , indent_with_tabs=true, , , , , 
2015-08-11T18:03:29.908Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] [ { name: 'CSS',
    namespace: 'css',
    grammars: [ 'CSS' ],
    extensions: [ 'css' ],
    defaultBeautifier: 'JS Beautify',
     { indent_size: [Object],
       indent_char: [Object],
       selector_separator_newline: [Object],
       newline_between_rules: [Object],
       preserve_newlines: [Object],
       wrap_line_length: [Object],
       indent_comments: [Object],
       force_indentation: [Object],
       convert_quotes: [Object],
       align_assignments: [Object] },
     [ 'CSScomb',
       'JS Beautify',
       'JS Beautify',
       'JS Beautify',
       'JS Beautify',
       'JS Beautify',
       'JS Beautify',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff',
       'Pretty Diff' ] } ] 'CSS' 'css'
2015-08-11T18:03:29.908Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] Language CSS supported
2015-08-11T18:03:29.908Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] getOptions selections [ 'css' ] indent_size=1, indent_char=   , indent_with_tabs=true, indent_size=4, indent_with_tabs=true, jslint_happy=true, indent_char= , indent_level=0, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, indent_inner_html=true, indent_size=2, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_line_length=250, wrap_attributes=auto, wrap_attributes_indent_size=2, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, unformatted=[a, sub, sup, b, i, u], end_with_newline=false, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, indent_size=2, indent_char= , selector_separator_newline=false, newline_between_rules=false, preserve_newlines=false, wrap_line_length=0, indent_comments=true, force_indentation=false, convert_quotes=none, align_assignments=false, configPath=, indent_size=2, indent_char= , emacs_path=, emacs_script_path=, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, perltidy_profile=, cs_fixer_path=, fixers=, level=, max_line_length=79, indent_size=4, ignore=[E24], indent_size=2, indent_char= , rustfmt_path=, indent_size=2, keywords=upper, identifiers=lower, configPath=, , indent_style=tab, end_of_line=lf, charset=utf-8, trim_trailing_whitespace=true, insert_final_newline=true, indent_size=tab, indent_char=   , indent_with_tabs=true, , , , , 
2015-08-11T18:03:29.913Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] true indent_size=1, indent_char=  , indent_with_tabs=true
2015-08-11T18:03:29.915Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css undefined
2015-08-11T18:03:29.915Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css indent_size=1, indent_char=   , indent_with_tabs=true
2015-08-11T18:03:29.915Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] true indent_size=4, indent_with_tabs=true, jslint_happy=true, indent_char= , indent_level=0, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, indent_inner_html=true, indent_size=2, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_line_length=250, wrap_attributes=auto, wrap_attributes_indent_size=2, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, unformatted=[a, sub, sup, b, i, u], end_with_newline=false, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, indent_size=2, indent_char= , selector_separator_newline=false, newline_between_rules=false, preserve_newlines=false, wrap_line_length=0, indent_comments=true, force_indentation=false, convert_quotes=none, align_assignments=false, configPath=, indent_size=2, indent_char= , emacs_path=, emacs_script_path=, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, perltidy_profile=, cs_fixer_path=, fixers=, level=, max_line_length=79, indent_size=4, ignore=[E24], indent_size=2, indent_char= , rustfmt_path=, indent_size=2, keywords=upper, identifiers=lower, configPath=
2015-08-11T18:03:29.918Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css indent_size=2, indent_char= , selector_separator_newline=false, newline_between_rules=false, preserve_newlines=false, wrap_line_length=0, indent_comments=true, force_indentation=false, convert_quotes=none, align_assignments=false
2015-08-11T18:03:29.918Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css indent_size=2, indent_char= , selector_separator_newline=false, newline_between_rules=false, preserve_newlines=false, wrap_line_length=0, indent_comments=true, force_indentation=false, convert_quotes=none, align_assignments=false
2015-08-11T18:03:29.918Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] true 
2015-08-11T18:03:29.918Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css undefined
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] true indent_style=tab, end_of_line=lf, charset=utf-8, trim_trailing_whitespace=true, insert_final_newline=true, indent_size=tab, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=true
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css undefined
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css indent_style=tab, end_of_line=lf, charset=utf-8, trim_trailing_whitespace=true, insert_final_newline=true, indent_size=tab, indent_char=  , indent_with_tabs=true
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] true 
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css undefined
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] true 
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css undefined
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] true 
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css undefined
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css
2015-08-11T18:03:29.919Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] true 
2015-08-11T18:03:29.920Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css undefined
2015-08-11T18:03:29.920Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css
2015-08-11T18:03:29.920Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] true 
2015-08-11T18:03:29.920Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css undefined
2015-08-11T18:03:29.920Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options css
2015-08-11T18:03:29.920Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] CSS name=CSS, namespace=css, grammars=[CSS], extensions=[css], defaultBeautifier=JS Beautify, type=integer, default=2, minimum=0, description=Indentation size/length (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff), title=CSS - Indent size, beautifiers=[JS Beautify, Pretty Diff], type=string, default= , minimum=0, description=Indentation character (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff), title=CSS - Indent char, beautifiers=[JS Beautify, Pretty Diff], type=boolean, default=false, description=Add a newline between multiple selectors (Supported by JS Beautify), title=CSS - Selector separator newline, beautifiers=[JS Beautify], type=boolean, default=false, description=Add a newline between CSS rules (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff), title=CSS - Newline between rules, beautifiers=[JS Beautify, Pretty Diff], type=boolean, default=false, description=Retain empty lines. Consecutive empty lines will be converted to a single empty line. (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff), title=CSS - Preserve newlines, beautifiers=[JS Beautify, Pretty Diff], type=integer, default=0, description=Maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable) (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff), title=CSS - Wrap line length, beautifiers=[JS Beautify, Pretty Diff], type=boolean, default=true, description=Determines whether comments should be indented. (Supported by Pretty Diff), title=CSS - Indent comments, beautifiers=[Pretty Diff], type=boolean, default=false, description=if indentation should be forcefully applied tomarkup even if it disruptively adds unintended whitespace to the documents rendered output (Supported by Pretty Diff), title=CSS - Force indentation, beautifiers=[Pretty Diff], type=string, default=none, description=Convert the quote characters delimiting strings from either double or single quotes to the other. (Supported by Pretty Diff), enum=[none, double, single], title=CSS - Convert quotes, beautifiers=[Pretty Diff], type=boolean, default=false, description=If lists of assignments or properties should be vertically aligned for faster and easier reading. (Supported by Pretty Diff), title=CSS - Align assignments, beautifiers=[Pretty Diff], beautifiers=[CSScomb, JS Beautify, JS Beautify, JS Beautify, JS Beautify, JS Beautify, JS Beautify, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff, Pretty Diff]
2015-08-11T18:03:29.921Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] options indent_size=tab, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=true, selector_separator_newline=false, newline_between_rules=false, preserve_newlines=false, wrap_line_length=0, indent_comments=true, force_indentation=false, convert_quotes=none, align_assignments=false, indent_style=tab, end_of_line=lf, charset=utf-8, trim_trailing_whitespace=true, insert_final_newline=true
2015-08-11T18:03:29.921Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] beautifiers silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, languages=[CSS, LESS, Sass, SCSS], silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, languages=[HTML, XML, Handlebars, Mustache, Marko, JavaScript, JSON, CSS], silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, languages=[CSV, ERB, EJS, HTML, XML, SVG, Spacebars, JSX, JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, Sass, JSON, TSS, Twig, LESS, Swig, Visualforce]
2015-08-11T18:03:29.922Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] CSS /Users/norgen/Desktop/moneymon/app/reset.css { indent_size: 'tab',
  indent_char: '\t',
  indent_with_tabs: true,
  selector_separator_newline: false,
  newline_between_rules: false,
  preserve_newlines: false,
  wrap_line_length: 0,
  indent_comments: true,
  force_indentation: false,
  convert_quotes: 'none',
  align_assignments: false,
  indent_style: 'tab',
  end_of_line: 'lf',
  charset: 'utf-8',
  trim_trailing_whitespace: true,
  insert_final_newline: true } indent_size=1, indent_char=  , indent_with_tabs=true, indent_size=4, indent_with_tabs=true, jslint_happy=true, indent_char= , indent_level=0, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, indent_inner_html=true, indent_size=2, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_line_length=250, wrap_attributes=auto, wrap_attributes_indent_size=2, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, unformatted=[a, sub, sup, b, i, u], end_with_newline=false, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, indent_size=2, indent_char= , selector_separator_newline=false, newline_between_rules=false, preserve_newlines=false, wrap_line_length=0, indent_comments=true, force_indentation=false, convert_quotes=none, align_assignments=false, configPath=, indent_size=2, indent_char= , emacs_path=, emacs_script_path=, configPath=, configPath=, configPath=, perltidy_profile=, cs_fixer_path=, fixers=, level=, max_line_length=79, indent_size=4, ignore=[E24], indent_size=2, indent_char= , rustfmt_path=, indent_size=2, keywords=upper, identifiers=lower, configPath=, , indent_style=tab, end_of_line=lf, charset=utf-8, trim_trailing_whitespace=true, insert_final_newline=true, indent_size=tab, indent_char=   , indent_with_tabs=true, , , , , 
2015-08-11T18:03:29.923Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] beautifier JS Beautify silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, languages=[CSS, LESS, Sass, SCSS], silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, languages=[HTML, XML, Handlebars, Mustache, Marko, JavaScript, JSON, CSS], silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, silly=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, debug=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, verbose=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, info=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, warn=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, error=function (msg) {
      // build argument list (level, msg, ... [string interpolate], [{metadata}], [callback])
      var args = [level].concat(;
      target.log.apply(target, args);
    }, onLogging=function (handler) {
        var subscription;
        subscription = emitter.on('logging', handler);
        return subscription;
      }, languages=[CSV, ERB, EJS, HTML, XML, SVG, Spacebars, JSX, JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, Sass, JSON, TSS, Twig, LESS, Swig, Visualforce]
2015-08-11T18:03:29.924Z - verbose: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] JS Beautify language CSS
2015-08-11T18:03:29.925Z - error: [/Users/norgen/.atom/packages/atom-beautify/src/beautifiers/] JS Beautify error: RangeError: Invalid array length
Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

Duplicate of #477