Glavin001 / atom-preview

:construction: (NO LONGER MAINTAINED) :construction: - :eyeglasses: Ultimate previewer of source code in Atom.
MIT License
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Promise.done is deprecated. #133

Closed mikedizon closed 2 years ago

mikedizon commented 7 years ago

Atom now uses ES6 Promises instead of Q. Call promise.then instead of promise.done

Promise.done (/Applications/
Object.toggle (/Users/mdizon/.atom/packages/preview/lib/
atom-workspace.atom.commands.add.preview:toggle (/Users/mdizon/.atom/packages/preview/lib/
CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
CommandRegistry.dispatch (/Applications/
jwverzijden commented 5 years ago

why is this still in there? promises have been around for a while now

thwaller commented 3 years ago

Is there any update on this?