Glavin001 / atom-preview

:construction: (NO LONGER MAINTAINED) :construction: - :eyeglasses: Ultimate previewer of source code in Atom.
MIT License
51 stars 23 forks source link

Add SASS/SCSS support #144

Closed nemoDreamer closed 5 years ago

nemoDreamer commented 5 years ago

Using node-sass.

Closes #3.

Glavin001 commented 5 years ago

@nemoDreamer this project is no longer maintained, or used, by me.

If you are interested in contributing, I could give you access to this repo so you can merge pull Requests (3 currently open, including this one) and publish updates. What do you think? 😃

nemoDreamer commented 5 years ago

Oh that's a shame, @Glavin001 ...! From what I've played around with, this is one of the most efficient preview packages out there 😢 . The alternatives are either clunky or steal focus to the preview window with every edit...

If you want to give me access, that's great. I'll look into those other pending pull requests to see whether I'm qualified to review them.

Glavin001 commented 5 years ago

@nemoDreamer I've invited you to be a collaborator of this repository.

From what I've played around with, this is one of the most efficient preview packages out there

🎉 Glad to hear it! Thanks!

nemoDreamer commented 5 years ago

I've been using this in dev mode for the last 3 days and have ironed out the kinks: I think it's ready. Gonna merge and publish!

nemoDreamer commented 5 years ago

Doh... Jumped to v0.19 because first publish failed and I forgot to reset HEAD to before Prepare 0.18.0 release. Sorry for that... 😢