Glease / TC4Tweaks

A mod that adds a bit of functionality and a bit of performance into thaumcraft 4.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Crash with Witching Gadgets? #47

Open Shahelion opened 3 months ago

Shahelion commented 3 months ago

Mod Version


Describe the bug

Game crashes during startup

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Crash Report

Additional context

It was working until I updated this mod. Was previously using version 1.4.7. Witching Gadgets version is 1.2.9.

Glease commented 3 months ago

I cannot reproduce the crash with just tc4, widtching gadgets and this mod. Soeither you are using a custom build of witching gadgets or another mod is causing incompatiblity. It's hard to tell what exactly is breaking with the given information.

  1. There are like 40 versions between 1.4.7 and 1.5.20. I don't know which change makes it break
  2. There are a lot other mods in your pack that it's takes an unreasonable amount of time just for me to recreate your test environment.
  3. The crash report points to a line that is impossible to error.

so my suggestion:

  1. try bisect a version of tc4tweaks that would start to break
  2. try bisect the faulty mod
Shahelion commented 3 months ago

This is the version of Witching Gadgets, forgot it was a fork.

Will try to narrow down the version that causes the problem and update here.

Glease commented 3 months ago

That version is sort of well known and I was testing against that build as well. What I meant is a deeply customized WitchingGadgets like GTNH's version does. Though it looks like that is not the case.

Shahelion commented 3 months ago

I have tested every version from 1.4.8 onwards, they all gave the exact same crash.

Glease commented 3 months ago

1.4.8 added a few optimization patches. Which shouldn't cause the crash as shown in your log. I can only assume it's some other mod interefering.

You can stick to 1.4.7 for now. If you have the extra time, you can try bisect which mod is interefering.