Gleeson-Lab / wxs_pipeline

Starting with BAMs and FASTQs, follow GATK 4.0 Best Practices up to generating a joint-genotyped VCF
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HaplotypeCaller is running with the check_contamination.done file #12

Open brcopeland opened 2 years ago

brcopeland commented 2 years ago

There must be some bug in, but I'm rather confused as to what the problem is...

brcopeland commented 2 years ago

I reported the underlying issue and what I believe is a fix in

brcopeland commented 2 years ago

This is unfortunately still an issue (that confusingly only occurs some of the time). It also occurs in the mark_duplicates and merge_read_group_bams (but only sometimes) as these rely on this aggregate function. Some of the time when snakemake encounters a checkpoints...get() call the function short-circuits and just returns the value of that call (which is certainly not intended and very weird).

So current workarounds until this gets fixed by the snakemake developers: