root@server:~# /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e 'Parity event' -s 'this subject' -d 'short description' -i alert -m 'some message'
ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 f12-20020a02cacc000000b0041ac54cbc60sm505123jap.56 - gsmtp)
root@server:~# /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify
notify [-e "event"] [-s "subject"] [-d "description"] [-i "normal|warning|alert"] [-m "message"] [-x] [-t] [-b] [add]
create a notification
use -e to specify the event
use -s to specify a subject
use -d to specify a short description
use -i to specify the severity
use -m to specify a message (long description)
use -l to specify a link (clicking the notification will take you to that location)
use -x to create a single notification ticket
use -r to specify recipients and not use default
use -t to force send email only (for testing)
use -b to NOT send a browser notification
all options are optional
notify init
Initialize the notification subsystem.
notify smtp-init
Initialize sendmail configuration (ssmtp in our case).
notify get
Output a json-encoded list of all the unread notifications.
notify archive file
Move file from 'unread' state to 'archive' state.
Using the "alert" notification fails: