GlennChiu / GC3DFlipTransitionStyleSegue

iBooks-style 3D flip transition animation rendered in OpenGL ES 2.0 and wrapped in a UIStoryboardSegue subclass
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Flipping back to source view controller #3

Open AnthonyFaxlandez opened 11 years ago

AnthonyFaxlandez commented 11 years ago

I have this working perfectly segueing from view controller A to view controller B. When I dismiss B though it does the standard model dismissal animation. I noticed in your video you were able to get back to your original view controller fully animated. Am I missing something?

MSch commented 11 years ago

Pretty sure that's not supported.

I'm currently looking into how to accomplish flipping back, the relevant code should be in here:

@implementation GC3DFlipTransitionStyleSegue

- (void)perform
    GC3DFlipTransitionStyleViewController *flipViewController = [[GC3DFlipTransitionStyleViewController alloc] init];

    flipViewController.sourceView = [self.sourceViewController view];
    flipViewController.destinationView = [self.destinationViewController view];
    flipViewController.disableMultisampling = self.disableMultisampling;
    flipViewController.disableLightEffect = self.disableLightEffect;
    flipViewController.depth = self.depth;

    [self.sourceViewController presentViewController:self.destinationViewController animated:NO completion:nil];
    [self.destinationViewController presentViewController:flipViewController animated:NO completion:nil];

ageorgios commented 11 years ago

did anyone succeed?