Glimpse / Glimpse.Prototype

Glimpse v2 prototype
MIT License
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ASP.NET Core v2.0 Support #146

Open dementeddevil opened 6 years ago

dementeddevil commented 6 years ago

Updated the core libraries to netstandard2.0 and samples to aspnetcoreapp2.0 and updated all nuget packages as appropriate.

See readme for list of caveats to getting Glimpse working in MVC projects as I have not yet worked out how to hook the tag-helper in automagically...

.NET Framework version has been bumped from .NET 4.5.1 to 4.6.1 to maintain feature compatibility with netstandard2.0

msftclas commented 6 years ago

CLA assistant check
All CLA requirements met.

bbqchickenrobot commented 6 years ago

Any word on this? Seems like glimpse was abandoned for net core?

sclarson commented 5 years ago

Quickly approaching a year of this being open and there not being support for latest net core.

Is this abandoned in core versions after 1?

ge0rgi commented 5 years ago

Looks abandoned to me as well

skendrot commented 5 years ago

@avanderhoorn @nikmd23 ?