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[Logging] Filter out log messages from 3rd party libraries #33

Open lostintangent opened 8 years ago

lostintangent commented 8 years ago

After installing the latest Mongoose, as well as Glimpse Node package, the following two logs show up in nearly all of my requests:


Neither of these are actionable for the user, so its unfortunate that the logs list could potentially get cluttered with noise, and it could be hard to know which ones represent user code or not. Having stacks for each message would be cool, but it would also be nice to just be able to completely filter out logs that came from non-user code, almost like a "just my code" for log messages.

nikmd23 commented 8 years ago

We'd love to support this scenario @lostintangent, we'll just have to prioritize it figure out when we can get it done.

This one becomes a bit more tricky because there's some upfront work that's required (support getting a call stack for example) that would allow us to understand the source of the log message.

The good news it, getting a call stack opens up a lot of possibilities for us, so I think this will be something we want to tackle soon.