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Website and API in different projects #94

Closed christophersw closed 7 years ago

christophersw commented 7 years ago

Our team would like to use glimpse on a big project we are working on, but are facing some confusion on how to get it up and running... The challenge stems from the fact that we separate our front-end website and our backend APIs into individual projects (NPM packages) managed as individual repositories. We do this to make them easier to work with, deploy, and scale independently.

We host the following projects, each on their own dedicated domain:

We would like to use Glimpse on the SPA, but still be able to view the services running on in our API projects.

Any guidance on how/if this could be achieved would be really helpful.

Before installing and deploying Glimpse all over our stack, I figured I would ask here first to see if anybody has done this before.

Thanks, Chris

mike-kaufman commented 7 years ago

Hi Chris -

We currently have some bugs around multiple glimpse processes using a single server. I'm going to prioritize digging into this scenario & I'll let you know when we have a fix.

For now, the simplest thing for you is to instrument your three processes with glimpse, and navigate to each client (with each processes' messages) independently. e.g., if you have the following:

You can access each processes glimpse data via

We realize this is less than ideal. I'll let you know when we have a fix for this & point you at configuration instructions so you can have all your data in a single place.


avanderhoorn commented 7 years ago

@christophersw By way of an update, we are putting the finishing touches on a release that will give the support that you need. We are in the process of testing it, as well as providing docs and samples. Hopefully this should be ready tomorrow or Monday.

christophersw commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Can't wait to try it out.

mike-kaufman commented 7 years ago

Edit 5/8/2017 updated instructions to reflect package renames & fact that we're in NPM. Note that now, you need to require('@glimpse/glimpse');.

Hi Chris -

we have an update for you:

  1. We wrote some docs on how to configure your scenario.
  2. We put together a small sample app to demo multiple processes sending messages to a single glimpse server.
    1. We have an early build on our alpha feed that supports this. To try this out, you need to do the following:
npm install @glimpse/glimpse

Sorry for the delay. Let us know if you encounter any other problems with this or you have any feature requests.

mike-kaufman commented 7 years ago

@christophersw - we have a fix for this now in NPM. I'm going to close this issue. Please let us know if you have any more problems.