GlitchCog / ChatGameFontificator

A Twitch chat display that uses the fonts of various video games
The Unlicense
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Chat messages appear with long delay #14

Open Zerosan opened 5 years ago

Zerosan commented 5 years ago

The streamer Avinnus had this happen recently, the chat in fontificator didn't update for a while and then rapidly went through all of the piled up messages.

Is this a known issue?

It is worth pointing out that the chat was up to date and stable in chatty (java based irc/twitch chat client).

Running on Windows 10 Home Edition, 64 Bit Wired LAN Java version: 1.8.0_171 , 64bit Latest version of fontificator

tduva commented 5 years ago

I'm the developer of Chatty and had reports of the same issue from some people (no messages at all for a while, then all at once, and other people also had it with other clients). From further investigation it seemed the Twitch Chat server wasn't responding, not even to a PING, even though the connection was still open. Then as all missing messages came in, it also responded to the PING sent minutes before. I'm not sure what the problem is exactly, but it doesn't seem isolated to one client, but rather an intermittent issue experienced by some users.