Glitchfiend / SereneSeasons

Minecraft mod that adds seasons with changing colors, temperature shifting, and more!
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Global Snowing and Thawing #256

Open MythyMajestic opened 4 years ago

MythyMajestic commented 4 years ago

Feature Request

[Global snow thaw]

What feature are you suggesting?

[So at the moment, I noticed that when it snows during the winter, it does so within render distance... and that's it. If I'm traveling during the winter, then it snows everywhere, and once I stop during the sprint, the snow melts just around me, leaving patches of snow here and there and everywhere during midsummer that only melt when I'm standing in the vicinity. Likewise, I stay in an area at the beginning of winter, then run away... and I find the edge of the chunks that loaded snow and then it's just grass, grass, grass.]

Why should it be added?

[It's just annoying because now I have chunks of snow everywhere that take away the... immersion of the mod, because it's so clearly limited by a chunk radius. If it's not going to snow everywhere, and thaw everywhere, what's the point of having the mod?] This is an example of what I mean.

DestructionMaker commented 3 years ago

Well I dont know anything about minecraft code but I think the one way to solve this is to keep track of amount of snow there should be during winter in some variable (like 0-100% cover), and whenever a chunk loads, check if its currently winter or if its a biome that normally has snow when its not winter, and if it is neither, turn every snow block into air block (it needs to check every block individually because biomes are not full chunks), if it is, then immediately turn as many air blocks that are just above ground into snow blocks as variable says (so changing only 50% of them randomly into snow if its at 50%).

Ofcourse maps would show snow/no snow incorrectly until you walked into chunk for it to do this, but it would basically do what you are saying.

Dragonslayer7532-dev commented 3 years ago

Well I dont know anything about minecraft code but I think the one way to solve this is to keep track of amount of snow there should be during winter in some variable (like 0-100% cover), and whenever a chunk loads, check if its currently winter or if its a biome that normally has snow when its not winter, and if it is neither, turn every snow block into air block (it needs to check every block individually because biomes are not full chunks), if it is, then immediately turn as many air blocks that are just above ground into snow blocks as variable says (so changing only 50% of them randomly into snow if its at 50%).

Ofcourse maps would show snow/no snow incorrectly until you walked into chunk for it to do this, but it would basically do what you are saying.

but if you do that the snow in bases that you don't want to remove then you lose it i think that they should add a tag to snow that the player placed and keep that and remove non player placed snow but if you do check every time a chunk loads thats a lot of lag for just moving up to 16 blocks

EternalShadow17 commented 3 years ago

a good options might be to update the chunks when the world is loaded, that way it wont lag spike during gameplay. have a check run during load and if its summer then remove all snow that shouldn't be there, if its winter then add a layer all over. servers usually reset everyday, it would not be perfect in long play sessions but it would greatly help with the issue. it really breaks the immersion and makes the world a mess

Faedelity commented 2 years ago

The mod Serene Tweaks appears to be a fix for this, but it's only up to 1.12. It seems likely the mod dev would be pleased if that was included in Serene Seasons itself, so they would probably be willing to authorize use of their code to the extent it is useful. All the license info in the repository seems to be the Forge stuff, so I can't tell if they meant for their mod to be LGPL licensed or not.

ITCMD commented 2 years ago

This is exactly what I'm looking for. I've been using betterweather, however in the winter all the snow that falls is stuck there forever and isnt standard, making a mess.

RomaXYZ commented 2 years ago

It'll be really nice if this feature comes to 1.18. I'm not sure why the lack of global snow and thaw isn't considered a bug. If they were finally able to patch this for future versions, it'd really make this project look a lot more professional.

It reminds me of one of the academic projects I had to do for uni. We were trying to go for first place in an embedded systems competition. We wanted to make a music glove that would convert hand gestures into various instrumental sounds (piano, guitar, trumpet...), pitches and chords. While we were developing the system we found that our initial math for sound was correct but its quality was terrible. I.e, a gesture would give us a pitch and instrument but each time it would switch notes, it was choppy and not pleasant to listen to.

So eventually we were left with a choice. Should we present the product as is or go the extra mile and spend many hours to solve this problem? We decided to try to fix the problem and after some time discovered that the solution was to use an envelope (e^x * some constant) and sample the waveform at a higher frequency (Nyquist's Theorem). Whenever we went to present it, the biggest compliment we got was the superb sound quality of the system and we wound up winning the design competition and got an automatic A in the class.

Personally, I've been following this mod for a long time now (2-3 years). I always play it in combination with Biomes O' Plenty, Terraforged and Tough as Nails. I want to enjoy it more but I always find myself shelving the mod after a couple days because then a full year in-game passes and I see the effects of this bug whenever I would visit chunks I don't visit often. Due to my playstyle, this happens quite often and it breaks the immersion for me. Whenever I would play the game with this mod on a server, my friends would complain of the same thing.

I know that developers these days are overworked and writing code from experience can be exhausting, but I don't think it would be wrong for me to call this bug game-breaking. Fixing this bug would show just that additional amount of attention to detail and make the project that much better. So I hope this bug gets fixed soon.

DarkShadow44 commented 2 years ago

Definitely would be a welcome improvement!

aelfwyne commented 1 year ago

I would be happy if only the snow on the ground in my main base would melt before the end of summer. It's too slow melting!

Darmandir commented 1 year ago

I really wish this was incorporated into Serene. I feel like it just makes sense to do it this way.

P0PKernel commented 1 year ago

This is the only deal breaker for why I'm NOT going to use this otherwise fantastic mod. The snow falling only to where you are, it sticking to ground forever until you go to the chunk and the slow melting speed.

FTLW commented 1 year ago

Is there a technical limitation preventing this from getting fixed in 1.12+?

MrTangoPIG commented 1 year ago

+1 to global snowing/thawing, local snowfall is kinda... weird. *maybe until a proper snow block implementation could be found, perhaps just a white colour texture on top of grass n leaf blocks? Ooo, just found "immersive snow" mod over on modrinth.

RomaXYZ commented 1 year ago

+1 to global snowing/thawing, local snowfall is kinda... weird. *maybe until a proper snow block implementation could be found, perhaps just a white colour texture on top of grass n leaf blocks? Ooo, just found "immersive snow" mod over on modrinth.

This is probably the (at least temporary) solution to this problem. Pretty happy that someone went ahead and implemented a solution to this problem after I commented this issue back in 2022. Just in time for me to restart the Minecraft server.

Nurian08 commented 1 month ago

Hello, I think this feature would be interesting for the mod, since I've already done some testing and unfortunately this ends up happening, and it completely takes away the immersion of the moment. It's not cool to be exploring your world in winter and then come back in another season, for example in summer, and have snow in the middle of a plain or a temperate forest.