Open itu1982 opened 1 year ago
I have no language file support implemented to date, language file support may be added in the future. I will notify you once and if that does happen 😉
Edit 1: it is relatively simple to achieve that in Flutter so you can expect the language file support to be present in the next version.
Hello @itu1982!
Thank you so much for offering your assistance! I apologize for the long wait, but there is now a localization file available for translation.
All keys starting with '@' are comments that may help you understand what each message means, the comments themselves do not need translation as they are not used in the app UI.
The rest of the entries need translation.
If you wish to test your localization, I offer to build the app with your localization files for you to test on Windows/Linux/Android with unlimited test builds, but do make sure that your translation is complete before asking for a new build.
Please keep to same capitalization as original if possible, e.g. if the English localization says 'Hello world' then your localization should have the first letter in uppercase and the rest of the first letters in lowercase, if applicable.
Make sure to keep trailing spaces where it makes sense, some localizations make up multiple messages in the app and have to end with a trailing space for word separation.
If you are familiar with Git and GitHub, you may fork the branch and create a copy of the aforementioned file called app_es.arb
in the same directory that you can then begin translating.
Otherwise, you may download/copy the file from the aforementioned link, translate it fully, upload it to (make sure to click the arrow to the right of the Create secret gist
button and select Create public gist
so that I am able to open and see your file) and send a link here.
I am very grateful for any of your help.
Please add this important info about localization in home page of your Github repository.
I created a PR for multilanguage installer (add Italian and many improvements) and a PR for GUI Italian language.
Localization information is now available under
Thanks. If you are agree I will open a new issue for all translator language.
Sure thing
Hold on, what do you mean by all?
Please do not clutter the issues page with localizations that are not yet announced by translators.
Did you mean an issue for discussing localizations? I believe that this issue has already become such discussion.
Just to have a discusison open for ltranslator that can help to share experience about translations.
Absolutely, please do so.
If you are agree we can close this issue and open a new dsicussion like this.
I will leave this issue open, but I'll rename it. This issue belongs to a Spanish translator.
I believe that should be better to move it as discussion.
Issue means "problem" and not "discussion".
Our scope is a discussison and not report an issue.
Thank you for the suggestion, but I don't believe I can fully agree with that. I think that issues offer a better convenience. I have just added issue templates to this repository. See
Edit: I have updated the link
I agree with you. Now it's possible to choose what kind of report are doing. Thanks.
Could you pelase complete spanish translation for the program?
Please add in gthub home page
a Localziation ifnos ection with the info about localization
It is at the very top of the README page.
¿has your software language files? i want translate your app spanish