GlobalEmpire / GERT

Globally Engineered Routing Technology - Simple, powerful, flexible
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v1.5 Release #91

Closed MajorGeneralRelativity closed 2 years ago

MajorGeneralRelativity commented 2 years ago

Merge v1.5 to master branch:

Features: Network Services are now supported! You may run them on the MNC to interact with the network at whole, and clients can now communicate with the MNC to get a list of network services and then use that list to interact with each services.

DNS and support for hostnames. By installing MNCAPI (installed as /lib/GERTiClient.lua on the MNC) and DNS.lua as a rc service, clients on the network may now register hostnames and use hostnames while opening sockets.

Tonatsi has designed an auto-updater and compu has designed a set of simple network tools. More modules and tools are being produced by the development team and other users.

Enhanced support for loopback sockets. They still require somewhat specialized handling by programs, but they should open and close correctly.

Support for multipart data packets. It's now possible to do things like socket:write("Hello", 2) and send both parts in a single message.

Changed: Reworked support for socket flags. "-k" and "-f" flags are supported now to respectively avoid erasing the data buffer and to flatten out the table so multipart data packets will appear as separate messages to the reading program.

Lua 5.3 is now MANDATORY, and must be used on the MNC and all clients in order to receive support with bugs.

Fixed: A number of bugfixes have been implemented to fix awkward behavior or crashes from v1.4