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Handle linear features #20

Open mikelmaron opened 2 months ago

mikelmaron commented 2 months ago

Nice handling for lines and polygons. In particular: 1. scaling the width of pipelines based on capacity, 2. having a way to show when there is more than one pipeline along a certain route (e.g., one that is operating and one that’s proposed), 3. allowing us to load a large number of detailed pipeline routes and polygons (for coal fields and oil/gas fields). Perhaps vector tiles are the way to go for both handling a large number of discrete data points as well as detailed lines & polygons.

Gas pipelines: we have about 3,200 gas pipelines in our data set. More importantly, these comprise about 76,000 points. If I output just the geometry alone as a csv, it’s 1.7 MB. But we’ve simplified many of the routes from what the original sources show, in part because of limits in Google Drive & Excel for the length of strings that can be put into a cell. It would be easier for us, and also more accurate, if we were to simply bring in government data sets for pipelines. For example, the US Energy Information Administration has a gas pipeline dataset that is downloadable (2.3 MB GeoJSON). Most countries do not have such detailed data, but some others do, and it would be nice to incorporate these whenever possible, and it could easily mount up to > 20 MB. Other maps with pipelines (such as for oil pipelines, or regional maps) would have less pipelines and points than the gas pipeline map.