This will load tiles at a lower zoom level than before, which results in
much better performance and much less UI lock
the aggregation grid is more visible, depending on the zoom level
points look smaller, depending on the zoom level (sadly fixing that is much less trivial than just setting a diameter value)
important The initial workspace zoom level has an impact on the initial UI performance:
if set to 4, it will load z level 3
if set to 4.0001, it will load z level 4
In the first case, we have the best panning performance before zooming in (least points visible per screen area), in the second case we have worst panning performance but better zooming in performance (more points visible from the get go but further zooming in won't load a new zoom level)
This will load tiles at a lower zoom level than before, which results in
important The initial workspace zoom level has an impact on the initial UI performance: