I Would like the ability to have a Counter system for Followers and Subscribers, this way they can become a Overlay with Custom Fonts and also adding some Custom CSS would be Nice, this way i can Setup a Goal counter and Sub Goal counter But also add a format like "Followers: {0}/100" Output "Followers: 0/100" and these would be Really cool to have and would Make using URL/APU Source Plugin less of a hassle to Setup for those who Don't want to go through setting up the API with Endpoints.
Requested Feature:
Follower Count and Sub Counters
I Would like the ability to have a Counter system for Followers and Subscribers, this way they can become a Overlay with Custom Fonts and also adding some Custom CSS would be Nice, this way i can Setup a Goal counter and Sub Goal counter But also add a format like "Followers: {0}/100" Output "Followers: 0/100" and these would be Really cool to have and would Make using URL/APU Source Plugin less of a hassle to Setup for those who Don't want to go through setting up the API with Endpoints.