GlobalNamesArchitecture / gnparser

Split scientific names to meaningful elements with meta information
MIT License
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How can I access the rest service hosted in Docker #349

Closed yukund closed 7 years ago

yukund commented 7 years ago

Hi Gnparser team

I would like to know how to access the rest service.

I have started the docker container with ~$ docker run -p 80:9000 --name gnparser gnames/gnparser web Server online at

In order to access the rest service, should I use port 4334 or 9000 ie. http://localhost:9000/api?q="..." ?

Thank you Yanbo

yukund commented 7 years ago

I mapped port 4334 to 80, it is working now. Please close the ticket. ~$ docker run -p 80:4334 --name gnparser gnames/gnparser web

alexander-myltsev commented 7 years ago
