GlobalNamesArchitecture / gnparser

Split scientific names to meaningful elements with meta information
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Names that have "spec." should not parse 'spec.' as species #415

Closed dimus closed 6 years ago

dimus commented 6 years ago

There are real names like

Lampona spec Platnick, 2000
Gobiosoma spec (Ginsburg, 1939)
Globigerina spec

However in some cases spec is a common abbreviation from species and we parse spec as species or infraspecies in names like

Eunotia genuflexa Norpel-Schempp nov spec
Ctenotus spec.
Byrsophlebidae spec. 2
Naviculadicta witkowskii LB & Metzeltin nov spec

The first group is legitimate, and the second is not. We can clean it up by a preparsing step that removes everything after (and including) either spec. or nov spec with space or word border at the start.